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命名空间路由在Laravel 5中不起作用

[英]Namespaced routes not working in Laravel 5

I'm building an international website, therefore I managed to have URLs looking like /{language}/{other_stuff} thank to some manipulation in RouteServiceProvider 我建立一个国际性的网站,所以我设法寻找有像URL /{language}/{other_stuff}感谢在某些操作RouteServiceProvider

 * Define the routes for the application.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Routing\Router  $router
 * @return void
public function map(Router $router, Request $request)

    $locale = $request->segment(1);

     * Internationalization routing system
    $router->group(['namespace' => $this->namespace, 'prefix' => $locale], function($router) use ($locale) {

        if ($locale == 'en') require app_path('Http/routes_en.php');
        elseif ($locale == 'el') require app_path('Http/routes_el.php');



Works like a charm. 奇迹般有效。 Every language will have his own route file, it's a choice. 每种语言都有自己的路径文件,这是一个选择。

Let's say we go to /en/ and you're an admin, I created another namespace within Http/route_en.php to focus on the admin section : 假设我们转到/en/并且您是管理员,我在Http/route_en.php创建了另一个命名空间,专注于管理部分:

Route::group(['namespace' => 'Admin', 'prefix' => 'admin'], function() {

  Route::controller('', 'DashboardController');

  Route::controller('brands', 'BrandsController');
  Route::controller('contents', 'ContentsController');
  Route::controller('downloads', 'DownloadsController');
  Route::controller('news', 'NewsController');
  Route::controller('products', 'ProductsController');
  Route::controller('settings', 'SettingsController');
  Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');


So now I should access easily sections such as /en/admin/brands but it fails. 所以现在我应该轻松访问/en/admin/brands但它失败了。 I generate all my links dynamically thanks to the HTML class 由于HTML类,我动态生成所有链接

{!! HTML::linkAction('Admin\BrandsController@getIndex', 'Brands') !!}

The generation works fine when I go to /en/admin which means Admin\\BrandsController@getIndex is detected by this package, but when you click on it 当我转到/en/admin时,这一代工作正常,这意味着这个包检测到Admin\\BrandsController@getIndex ,但当你点击它时

Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.

I tested some stuff and when I just simply set the route outside group() it works fine. 我测试了一些东西,当我只是在group()之外设置路由时它运行正常。

Route::controller('admin/brands', 'Admin\BrandsController');

What am I missing here ? 我在这里错过了什么? Shouldn't the HTML class and the routing system agree with each others ? HTML类和路由系统不应该彼此一致吗? Is there any mistake I made ? 我犯了什么错误? Maybe there's an issue ? 也许有问题?

EDIT : I opened an issue for this problem on GitHub 编辑:我在GitHub上为这个问题打开了一个问题

So nobody tried to help me. 所以没有人试图帮助我。

After a few days, an issue and many tests I understood the problem by myself : you have to put the DashboardController route at the end otherwise the routing system will take it first and ignore the other ones. 几天之后,一个问题和许多测试我自己理解了这个问题:你必须把DashboardController路由放在最后,否则路由系统将首先接受它并忽略其他路由。

   * Admin
  Route::group(['namespace' => 'Admin', 'prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => 'is.admin'], function() {

    Route::controller('news', 'NewsController');
    Route::controller('brands', 'BrandsController');
    Route::controller('products', 'ProductsController');
    Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');
    Route::controller('downloads', 'DownloadsController');
    Route::controller('settings', 'SettingsController');
    Route::controller('contents', 'ContentsController');

    Route::controller('', 'DashboardController');


NOTE : Everything will seem alright in the route listing, and even in the HTML/Form packages, but it's not. 注意:在路由列表中,即使在HTML /表单包中,一切似乎都没有问题,但事实并非如此。

I let it here for anybody that would have similar problems. 我在这里为任何会遇到类似问题的人提出这个问题。

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