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[英]How to pass multiple parameter to a function or query in codeigniter

What i want is to fetch all those customer's profile whose country in address is india. 我要获取的是地址在印度的所有这些客户的个人资料。

I am having two tables customers and address . 我有两个表customersaddress ' customers ' table have address_ID and in address table i am having the country_ID . customers ”表具有address_ID而在address表中,我具有country_ID

I have tried so far is this : 到目前为止,我尝试过的是:

On ajax call i get this controller's function: 在ajax调用上,我得到此控制器的功能:

function listCustomerByCountry(){
if(isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $_REQUEST['id']!=null)
{       $id=$_REQUEST['id'];


        foreach($cid as $rs)
            $addid = $rs['addressId'];  


echo'<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover dataTables-example" ><thead><tr><th>Id</th><th>Customer Name</th><th>Customer Address</th><th>Phone Number</th><th>Email</th><th>Plan Type</th><th>Application Status</th><th>View</th><th>Edit</th><th>Ticket</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
foreach ($result as $customers){
$status = unserialize (STATUS);
$statusDb = $customers['applicationStatus'];

        $val='<tr class="gradeX"><td>'.$customers['customerVisibleId'].'</td>';
        $val.='<td><a href="'.base_url("customer/profile/".$customers['customerId']).'">'.$customers['customerName'].'</td>';
        $val.='<td>'.$customers['email1' ].'</td>';
        $val.='<td><a href="'. base_url("customer/view/".$customers['customerId']).'"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a></td>';
        $val.='<td><a href="'.base_url("customer/edit/".$customers['customerId']).'"><img src="'.base_url().'assets/img/edit.png" width="16" height="16" /></a></td>';
        $val.='<td><a href="'.base_url("customer/ticketid/".$customers['customerId']).'"><i class="fa fa-text-width"></i></a></td>';               
        $val.= '</tr>';
        echo $val;

echo '</tbody><tfoot></tfoot></table>';

} }

and in model i am fetching country_ID from address table based on the dropdown selection and then the customer's profile data from customers table based on the address_ID . 在模型中,我根据下拉选择从address表中获取country_ID ,然后根据address_IDcustomers表中获取客户的个人资料数据。

Model: 模型:

    public function getAddressidByCountryid($id){
$query = $this->db->get_where('address', array('country' => $id));
return $row;


public function get_customer_by_addressId($id)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('customerAddress' => $id));
return $query->result_array();

Problem is i am only getting the last address_ID and last customerID when fetch from the second function get_customer_by_addressId 问题是从第二个函数get_customer_by_addressId获取时,我仅获取最后的address_ID和最后的customerID

What wrong i am doing? 我在做什么错? do the controller function not passing all the addres_IDs? 控制器功能没有传递所有的addres_ID吗?

Table Structure 表结构

Table Customers
| id | name  | addressID |
|  1 | demo  |        12 |
|  2 | test  |        13 |
|  3 | demo1 |        14 |
|  4 | demo2 |        15 |

Table address:

| addressID | countryID | stateID          | cityID |
|        12 |         1 |                1 |   1 |
|        13 |         1 |                1 |   1 |
|        14 |         1 |                1 |   1 |
|        15 |         2 |                2 |   2 |

Result Table 结果表

| id | name  | addressID |
|  1 | demo  |        12 |
|  2 | test  |        13 |
|  3 | demo1 |        14 |

Now i want all the customr's data whose countryID is 1 现在我想要countryID为1的所有客户数据

So I'm updating your code as below. 因此,我正在如下更新您的代码。

Controller 调节器

$result = $this->report_model->getAddressidByCountryid($id);

and within your model 在您的模型中

public function getAddressidByCountryid($id){
  $this->db->from('Customers c');
  $this->db->join('address a','c.addressID = a.addressID','left');
  $result = $this->db->get()->result_array();
  return $result;

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