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[英]AngularJS - How to validate an element directive?

I have created a numberDirective 我已经创建了一个数字指令

function numberInputDirective()
        restrict: 'E',
            model: '=',
            disabled: '=?',
            decimals: '=?',
            form: '=',
            name: '='
        require: '^form',
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: 'directives/pxNumberInput.html',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs, form) 
              scope.inError = function () 
                  return form.control.$valid; //I need to do something like this    

I need to check in the isError function if the value in the control is valid or not 我需要检查isError函数中控件中的值是否有效

The template is: 模板是:

<input class="input-field form-control" type="number" ng-model="model">

The HTML is: HTML是:

 <form role="form" class="form-horizontal psi-keyrates-yieldform psi-keyrates-historical-topcurves" name="SampleControlsForm" novalidate>
      <px-number-input id="objectiveid" name="numericExample"    model="sampleDataModel.numericField" placeholder="Enter numeric value" label="Numeric" required maxlength="10"></px-number-input>

While the form variable tells me if the form (form.$valid) is valid or not, I need to know this particular directive has a valid value or not when the form is submitted. 尽管form变量告诉我表单(form。$ valid)是否有效,但我需要知道在提交表单时此特定指令是否具有有效值。 something like this form.control.$valid. 像这样的form.control。$ valid。

I do not know the name of the control in this directive as it will be set in the html. 我不知道此指令中控件的名称,因为它将在html中设置。

I tried: var elem = ctrl.$name + '.' 我试过了:var elem = ctrl。$ name +'。' + element.attr('name') + '.$valid'; + element.attr('名称')+'。$ valid'; This returns the string "SampleControlsForm.numericExample.$valid" and if I add a watch on it, it doesn't help nor does scope.$eval. 这将返回字符串“ SampleControlsForm.numericExample。$ valid”,如果我在上面添加了监视,它将无济于事,scope。$ eval也无济于事。

I'm sure I'm not using it right. 我确定我没有正确使用它。

Here is an example of a custom number validator that shows: 这是显示自定义数字验证器的示例:

  1. How to require ngModel so you can access its controller. 如何require ngModel以便可以访问其控制器。
  2. How to add your own custom validator by adding a property to $validators object (angular 1.3 and above). 如何通过向$validators对象(角度1.3及更高版本)添加属性来添加自己的自定义验证器。 For angular < 1.3, use ngModelController.$setValidity 对于angular <1.3,请使用ngModelController.$setValidity
  3. How to setup a $watch on the $error object to insert/remove an image depending on whether the validation passes or fails. 如何在$error对象上设置$watch以插入/删除图像,具体取决于验证是通过还是失败。
  4. How to create a custom directive that works with ngModel without needing to define a template. 如何创建与ngModel一起使用的自定义指令,而无需定义模板。

The $validators object allows you to register multiple validation directives for the same ngModel . $validators对象允许您为同一ngModel注册多个验证指令。 To add a validator, simply add the validation directive to the same element as ngModel . 要添加验证器,只需将验证指令添加到与ngModel相同的元素中。

 var app = angular.module('app', []); app.directive('myNumber', function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', compile: function(element, attr) { var img = angular.element('<img src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTyptDmp09eMq1nHtcJHVTAMkKgqdi1ZiGMQSjFeYNApkO92zhCA" />'); return function(scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) { function isNumber(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } ngModelCtrl.$validators.mynumber = function(val) { return isNumber(val); }; scope.$watch(function() { return ngModelCtrl.$error.mynumber; }, function(newVal) { if (newVal) { element.after(img); } else { img.remove(); } }); } } } }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.9/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app="app"> <form name="form"> <input type="text" name="age" my-number ng-model="age" /> {{ age }} </form> {{ form.age.$error }} </div> 

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