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[英]Parsing PPPoE packets with dpkt

I am trying to retrieve 5-tuples information from a list of pcap files using the dpkt library. 我正在尝试使用dpkt库从pcap文件列表中检索5元组信息。 To parse the PPPoE packets with VLAN tags, I write codes like this(for test only): 为了解析带有VLAN标签的PPPoE数据包,我编写了这样的代码(仅用于测试):

import dpkt
import socket

def decode(pc):
    for ts, pkt in pc:
        eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pkt)
        pppoe = dpkt.pppoe.PPPoE(eth.data)
        ip = pppoe.data
        if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
            udp = ip.data
            yield(ip.src, udp.sport, ip.dst, udp.dport, ip.v)
        else: pass

def test():
    pc = dpkt.pcap.Reader(open('epon.pcap','rb'))
    for src, sport, dst, dport, ip_version in decode(pc):
        print "from", socket.inet_ntoa(src),":",sport, " to ",socket.inet_ntoa(dst),":",dport


It turns out error which means the parsing is wrong: 原来是错误,这意味着解析错误:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'p'

So what should the correct code be like? 那么正确的代码应该是什么样的呢? I'm a Python beginner and the dpkt source code really puzzles me a lot... 我是Python初学者,而dpkt源代码确实让我很困惑。

The capture you have has a vlan within a vlan (stacked vlan). 您具有的捕获在vlan中有一个vlan(堆叠的vlan)。

Without modifying the dpkt library you will need to parse the second VLAN manually. 在不修改dpkt库的情况下,您将需要手动解析第二个VLAN。

Another problem you will have is the payload of pppoe is ppp not ip. 您将遇到的另一个问题是pppoe的有效负载是ppp而不是ip。

You can change your code to something like this: 您可以将代码更改为以下内容:

import struct

... ...

def decode(pc):
for ts, pkt in pc:
    eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pkt)
    if eth.type == dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_8021Q:
         eth.tag, eth.type = struct.unpack('>HH', eth.data[:4])
         eth.data = eth.data[4:]
    pppoe = dpkt.pppoe.PPPoE(eth.data)
    ppp = pppoe.data
    ip = ppp.ip
    if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
        udp = ip.data
        yield(ip.src, udp.sport, ip.dst, udp.dport, ip.v)
    else: pass

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