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[英]Android app, Give beta testers access to pro version for free

I have a free android app, and I will be adding a bunch of new features that will require unlocking by purchasing a pro package (seperate apk). 我有一个免费的Android应用程序,我将添加一堆新功能,需要解锁通过购买专业包(单独的apk)。 However, I need to test these new features, and I want to offer my beta testers the pro package for free (as a reward/incentive for testing). 但是,我需要测试这些新功能,并且我想免费为我的beta测试人员提供pro包(作为测试的奖励/奖励)。 Is it as simple as just sending them the pro apk to install over dropbox? 它只是发送他们的pro apk安装在Dropbox上这么简单吗? Or would this pose a security risk for allowing my pro version to be installed on a device where it wasn't purchased through play store? 或者这会给我的专业版安装在没有通过Play商店购买的设备上带来安全风险吗?

How exactly can I go about handing out free access to the pro package? 我怎样才能免费获得专业套餐?

You can use the android play beta testing features: 你可以使用android play beta测试功能:

With test purchases using an in-app billing sandbox, you can let authorized users buy in-app products and subscriptions while an app is unpublished, without adding actual charges to the user accounts. 通过使用应用内结算沙盒进行测试购买,您可以让授权用户在未发布应用时购买应用内商品和订阅,而无需向用户帐户添加实际费用。

https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6062777?hl=en https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6062777?hl=en

You can use separate key store for signing the beta testing apk. 您可以使用单独的密钥库来签署beta测试apk。 When you plan to upload a production version on store, sign that apk with a separate release key store. 当您计划在商店上传生产版本时,请使用单独的版本密钥库对该apk进行签名。 Hope that simplifies your situation. 希望能简化你的情况。

If you release a free apk then you risk having this apk distributed beyond your test group. 如果你发布了一个免费的apk,那么你冒险将这个apk分发给你的测试组。

As an aside, it is also a good idea to verify the deployment method of any paid app to verify it was installed via authorized channels, which eliminates side-loading and greatly secures your app. 另外,验证任何付费应用程序的部署方法以验证它是否通过授权渠道安装也是一个好主意,这样可以消除侧载并大大保护您的应用程序。

As for rewarding the testers you can do so by initiated a refund yourself . 至于奖励测试人员,你可以自己发起退款。 It is an undocumented "feature" that developer-initiated refund do NOT revoke the license for an app. 这是一个未记录的“功能”,开发人员发起的退款不会撤销应用程序的许可证。 They would need to pay, then you would refund them. 他们需要付款,然后你会退款。 More info here: 更多信息:

https://stackoverflow.com/a/32635017/650322 https://stackoverflow.com/a/32635017/650322

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