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[英]How to pass an item from ng-repeat to a controller created/loaded by ng-include?

I have an ng-repeat that loads an ng-include. 我有一个ng-repeat加载ng-include。 I'd like to have a separate controller inside the view that the ng-include loads. 我想在ng-include加载的视图内有一个单独的控制器。

But I'm having trouble accessing the item from ng-repeat in that controller. 但是我在该控制器中无法从ng-repeat访问该项目。 I tried something like this, and it fails. 我尝试了类似的方法,但失败了。

How do I get at result inside of SubController ? 我如何在resultSubController

    <div ng-repeat="result in results">
            <div class="box" ng-include="view/someinclude.html"></div>

view/someinclude.html: view / someinclude.html:

<div ng-controller="SubController">

controller js: 控制器js:

angular.module('SubController', [])
    .controller('SubController', ['$scope',
        function ($scope) {


angular.module('SubController').controller('SubController', function() {...});

Make sure your scopes are a part of the same module, or they they're different include one in the other, if that's not the problem then it'll be something outside what you've shown, as something like this: 确保您的范围是同一模块的一部分,或者它们是不同的,包括一个范围,如果这不是问题,那么它将超出您显示的范围,如下所示:

angular.module("app").controller.(testController", ["$scope", function($scope){

with: 与:

<div ng-repeat = "x in [1,2]">
        <div ng-include = "'./views/vew.test.html'">

and in vew.test.html: 并在vew.test.html中:

<div ng-controller = "testController">

Will wack 1 and 2 on the screen and in the console. 将在屏幕上和控制台中显示1和2。


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