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[英]Sails.js, application file not generated

I'm new to Sails.js and are now working through some tutorials. 我是Sails.js的新手,现在正在学习一些教程。

I have now created my Sails application and added a User model and controller. 现在,我已经创建了Sails应用程序,并添加了一个User模型和控制器。 The application runs when executing sails lift. 该应用程序在执行风帆提升时运行。 I am able the view the users and create more. 我能够查看用户并创建更多。

I cannot find the below referenced file that is supposed to contain basic application settings such as application name, port, environment and log level. 我找不到以下引用的文件,该文件应该包含基本的应用程序设置,例如应用程序名称,端口,环境和日志级别。

config/application.js 配置/ application.js中

Am I missing something or did I create the application wrong? 我遗漏了一些东西还是创建了错误的应用程序?

port and loglevel should be set in config/env/[production|development] 端口和日志级别应在config/env/[production|development]

I think the name of the application is taken from the package.json if I'm not mistaken. 如果我没记错的话,我认为应用程序的名称来自package.json

Sails have improved this setup. 帆改善了此设置。 Now you should have an env folder under config with an environment config file. 现在,您应该在config下有一个带有环境配置文件的env文件夹。 For example development.js 例如development.js

module.exports = {
   port: 1337

This will set the port for that environment. 这将为该环​​境设置端口。 This environment is either set as the environment variable 'NODE_ENV' or you can specify this in your local.js file. 可以将此环境设置为环境变量“ NODE_ENV”,也可以在local.js文件中指定此环境。 Like so. 像这样

environment: development'

Note any variables set here can be accessed by using 注意这里设置的任何变量都可以通过使用


So you can set up your own appname variable and access it like that. 因此,您可以设置自己的appname变量并像这样访问它。

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