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同时运行任务 .NET 4.5

[英]Running Tasks simultaneously .NET 4.5

why does the method AwakeTest take 3 seconds instead of one为什么方法AwakeTest需要 3 秒而不是 1 秒

public static async void AwakeTest()
    var Do1 = Sleep(1, 1);
    var Do2 = Sleep(1, 2);
    var Do3 = Sleep(1, 3);

    await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAll(Do1, Do2, Do3); 

    Console.WriteLine(await Do1);
    Console.WriteLine(await Do2);
    Console.WriteLine(await Do3);

private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> Sleep(int Seconds, int ID)
    if (Seconds < 0)
        throw new Exception();
    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Seconds * 1000);
    return ID;

Since Thread.Sleep sleeps the thread, and each Task doesn't require to run in a separate thread, it hangs the entire thread.由于Thread.Sleep使线程休眠,并且每个Task不需要在单独的线程中运行,因此它会挂起整个线程。

You should use Task.Delay instead:您应该改用Task.Delay

await Task.Delay(Seconds * 1000);

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