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[英]JAVA cast Object with “unknown” type in type of another Object

Im new here and i want to start with my first not so easy to describe Questions. 我在这里是新手,我想从我的第一个不太容易描述的问题开​​始。 I think a piece of code can explain best. 我认为一段代码可以最好地解释。

public void erlaube(Geraet pGeraet){
    for(Object g : mGeraetetypen){                                          
            mErlaubt.add((g.getClass())pGeraet); // MY PROBLEM                    

A "Geraet" (Device) is an abstract Class and it can be a Sensor or an Actor f.ex. “ Geraet”(设备)是抽象类,它可以是Sensor或Actorf.ex。 the class Temperaturesensor. 类温度传感器。

Geraetetypen (Devicetypes) is an ArrayList and contains all available Sensors and Actors. Geraetetypen(设备类型)是一个ArrayList,包含所有可用的Sensor和Actor。

The for- and if-block checks if the parameter Object is a type of an Object contained in the Devicetypes list f.ex. for和if块检查参数Object是否是Devicetypes列表f.ex中包含的Object的类型。 Temperaturesensor. 温度感应器。 if it is, i want to add it as this datatype (Temperaturesensor) to the "mErlaubt" (mAllowed) ArrayList. 如果是的话,我想将其作为此数据类型(温度传感器)添加到“ mErlaubt”(mAllowed)ArrayList中。

So it should do the same as This (cast): 所以它应该和This(cast)一样:

mErlaubt.add( (Temperatursensor) pGeraet);

But i dont want to cast explicit with (Temperatursensor). 但是我不想用(Temperatursensor)进行显式转换。 I want to cast dynamic with the datatype i found from the Datatypelist that compares. 我想使用从比较的数据类型列表中找到的数据类型动态转换。

Maybe something like the line with the comment //MY PROBLEM, but this doesnt work. 也许类似带有注释的行//我的问题,但这行不通。

I know this is hard and my description is not verry well, but i hope you understand what i try to do. 我知道这很难,我的描述也不太好,但是我希望你能理解我的尝试。 Please help. 请帮忙。 If you dont understand something or have a Question please ask.. Thanks! 如果您听不懂或有任何疑问,请询问..谢谢!

If your mErlaubt is an ArrayList of Geraet superclass, then you just have to use mErlaubt.add(pGeraet); 如果您的mErlaubt是Geraet超类的ArrayList,则只需使用mErlaubt.add(pGeraet);

Your mErlaubt must then be defined like : List<Geraet> mErlaubt = new ArrayList<Geraet>(); 然后,必须像下面这样定义您的mErlaubt: List<Geraet> mErlaubt = new ArrayList<Geraet>();

You want to retrieve the class from a specific item of a list, and cast another object to this class? 您要从列表的特定项目中检索该类,然后将另一个对象转换为该类吗? Apart from someClass.cast(someObject) , there won't be any solutions. 除了someClass.cast(someObject) ,没有任何解决方案。 But as far as i can see, this whole code doesn't make any sense. 但是据我所知,整个代码没有任何意义。 You'll add a single object multiple times. 您将多次添加单个对象。 And apart from that i'd say that's rather a job for Generics than casting . 除此之外,我想说的是Generics不是casting

I think that this change should work as pGeraet is of Class Geraet so casting a variable to the super class should work. 我认为此更改应该起作用,因为pGeraet是Class Geraet因此将变量强制转换为超类应该起作用。

   for(Object g : mGeraetetypen){                                          

Thank you all! 谢谢你们! I want to share my verry simple solution to all. 我想向所有人分享我非常简单的解决方案。 The class is a Deviceplace for Sensors/Actors on a houseautomation GUI. 该类是在houseautomation GUI上用于传感器/ Actor的Deviceplace。 Each Deviceplace allows only a hand full of Sensor/Actors (f.ex. no Heating on a outside place) 每个设备位置只允许满手的传感器/执行器(例如,在室外不加热)

public class Deviceplace {

ArrayList<Geraet> mErlaubt;    //allowed devices

public Deviceplace(){
    mErlaubt = new ArrayList<>();

public void erlaube(Geraet pGeraet){  //add allowed device

public boolean isErlaubt(Geraet pGeraet){   // check if device is allowed on this place
        for(Geraet g : mErlaubt){
                return true;
        return false;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Deviceplace place = new Deviceplace();
    place.erlaube(new Temperatursensor());          // ad Temperaturesensor as allowed device
    // now check if a device is allowed on this deviceplace
    System.out.println(place.isErlaubt(new Windsensor()));          // RETURNS false (Windsensor not allowed)
    System.out.println(place.isErlaubt(new Temperatursensor()));    // RETURNS true  (Temperaturesensor allowed)

} }

Referring to your code sample , I'd suggest to store the allowed classes instead of instances of the allowed classes. 关于您的代码示例 ,我建议存储允许的而不是允许的实例 You could use this modified code: 您可以使用以下修改的代码:

public class Deviceplace {

  Set<Class<? extends Geraet>> mErlaubt;

  public Deviceplace(){
    mErlaubt = new HashSet<>();

  public void erlaube(Class<? extends Geraet> clazz) {

  // Option 1: no subtypes of the allowed types
  public boolean isErlaubt(Geraet pGeraet) {
    return mErlaubt.contains(pGeraet.getClass());

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Deviceplace place = new Deviceplace();
    System.out.println(place.isErlaubt(new Windsensor()));
    System.out.println(place.isErlaubt(new Temperatursensor()));


An alternative implementation of isErlaubt that also includes subtypes would be: 也包含子类型的isErlaubt的替代实现是:

  // Option 2: including subtypes of the allowed types
  public boolean isErlaubt(Geraet pGeraet) {
    for(Class<? extends Geraet> clazz : mErlaubt){
      if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(pGeraet.getClass())) {
        return true;
    return false;

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