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django-tinymce 1.5.2没有输入文本的字段

[英]django-tinymce 1.5.2 no field to enter text

I create a blog and installed django-tinymce 1.5.2. 我创建了一个博客并安装了django-tinymce 1.5.2。 But when configured as mentioned documentation, I have no field to enter text in the admin panel. 但是,当按照上述文档进行配置时,我没有字段可在管理面板中输入文本。

My model 我的模特

class Post(models.Model):
    DRAFT = "D"
        (DRAFT, "Draft"),
        (PUBLISHED, "Published"),
    title = models.CharField(max_length=120)
    text = HTMLField()
    status = models.CharField(choices=POST_STATUS, default=DRAFT, max_length=10)
    creation_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    modification_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

settings.py settings.py


TINYMCE_JS_URL = os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js')
TINYMCE_JS_ROOT = '/static/js/tiny_mce'
    'plugins': "table,spellchecker,paste,searchreplace,print,textcolor",
    'theme': "modern",
    'cleanup_on_startup': True,
    'custom_undo_redo_levels': 10,

First, I would recommend testing that everything is installed correctly by following the instruction here . 首先,我建议您按照此处的说明测试所有组件是否正确安装。 I just tried it and everything worked accept the settings file was named "testtinymce.settings" not "testtinymce.staticfiles_settings." 我只是尝试了一下,一切正常,都接受了将设置文件命名为“ testtinymce.settings”而不是“ testtinymce.staticfiles_settings”。

You can see examples of the Admin code such as below (/site-packages/testtinymce/testapp/admin.py). 您可以查看下面的管理代码示例(/site-packages/testtinymce/testapp/admin.py)。

As for the 304 code - that just means the file has been cached locally and doesn't need to be retrieved again from the server. 至于304代码 -这仅意味着该文件已在本地缓存,无需再次从服务器检索。

def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
        if db_field.name in ('content1', 'content2'):
            return db_field.formfield(widget=TinyMCE(
                attrs={'cols': 80, 'rows': 30},
                mce_attrs={'external_link_list_url': reverse('tinymce.views.flatpages_link_list')},
        return super(TinyMCETestInlineAdmin, self).formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)

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