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[英]Unable to update database with ajax in codeigniter

I have passed an array tree from controller to view and I am using a helper for recurssion to display it in the form of unordered lists. 我已经从控制器传递了一个数组树来查看,并且我正在使用一个递归帮助器以无序列表的形式显示它。 I have a button with each list item to move one step up. 我每个列表项都有一个按钮,可向上移动一个步骤。 My view div is like this: 我的观点股利是这样的:

<div id="div">
   $ordering = count($trees[$grp->id]);                             
<a href="javascript:Swapit('swapper-first','swap')" onClick="showIFrame('<?php echo site_url('service_group_services/edit/0_' . $ordering . '_' . $grp->id); ?>');">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs btn-label-left">
        <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
    display_tree($trees[$grp->id], $grp->id);                                                            

<?php endforeach; ?>

here, display_tree is a helper: 在这里,display_tree是一个帮助器:

<?php function display_tree($array, $grp) {

    foreach ($array as $value): {
        $ordering = 0;
        if (isset($value->childs[0])) {
            $val = $value->childs;
            $ordering = count($val);          

        echo "\n<ul>";
        echo "\n<li>";

        if($value->type != 'SERVICE') {
            echo '<a href="javascript:Swapit('."'" .'swapper-first'."'" .','."'" .'swap'."'" .')" onClick="showIFrame('."'".'service_group_services/edit/'.$value->service.'_' . $ordering . '_'.$grp ."'" .')"><span> <i class="fa  fa-plus"></i></span></a>';
        if($value->ordering != 0) {
            echo  '<a href="#" onclick="load_data_ajax('.$value->service_parent. ',' . $value->ordering . ',' . $value->service_group . ',' . $value->service . ')"><span> <i class="fa  fa-sort-up"></i></span></a>';
        echo '<a href="service_group_services/delete/'.$value->service_parent. '_' . $value->service . '_' . $value->service_group . '_'. $value->ordering .'"><span> <i class="fa fa-times"></i></span></a>'. $value->name .'</li>';

        if (isset($value->childs[0])){
             $val = $value->childs;
            display_tree($val, $grp);
        echo '</ul>';

controller function: 控制器功能:

function move_up(){
     $parent = $this->input->post('service_parent');
     $ordering = $this->input->post('ordering');
     $group = $this->input->post('service_group');
     $service = $this->input->post('service');

     $s_p = $this->session->userdata('service_provider');
     $this->Mdl_service_group_services->up($s_p, $parent, $group, $ordering);
     $this->Mdl_service_group_services->up1($s_p, $service, $parent, $group, $ordering);

n model is: n模型是:

function up($s_p, $parent, $group, $ordering) {
    $data = array(
        'ordering' => $ordering   
    $this->db->where('service_provider =', $s_p);
    $this->db->where('service_group =', $group);
    $this->db->where('service_parent =', $parent);
    $this->db->where('ordering =', --$ordering);

function up1($s_p, $service, $parent, $group, $ordering) {
    $var = array(
        'ordering' => --$ordering
    $this->db->where('service_provider =', $s_p);
    $this->db->where('service_group =', $group);
    $this->db->where('service_parent =', $parent);
    $this->db->where('service =', $service);

Now I am trying to update the ordering column of database table with ajax. 现在,我尝试使用ajax更新数据库表的排序列。 Ajax code is: Ajax代码是:

var controller = 'service_group_services';
var base_url = '<?php echo site_url(); //you have to load the "url_helper" to use this function ?>';

function load_data_ajax(parent, ordering, group, service){
        'url' : base_url + controller + '/move_up',
        'type' : 'POST', //the way you want to send data to your URL
        'data' : 'service_parent='+parent+'ordering='+ordering+'service_group='+group+'service='+service,
        'success' : function(data){ //probably this request will return anything, it'll be put in var "data"
        var div = $('#div'); //jquery selector (get element by id)

But when i click on up button, nothing is happening. 但是,当我单击向上按钮时,没有任何反应。 Please help me. 请帮我。

There is an problem in your AJAX request. 您的AJAX请求中存在问题。 You forgot to add & seprator between each parameters of the data you want to send : 您忘记在要发送的data每个参数之间添加&分隔符:

function load_data_ajax(parent, ordering, group, service){
        'data' : 'service_parent='+parent+'&ordering='+ordering+'&service_group='+group+'&service='+service,

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