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ASP.NET MVC 4自定义路由

[英]ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Routing

I have an area for admin functionality. 我有一个用于管理员功能的区域。 I want my URLs to look like so: 我希望我的网址看起来像这样:

admin/{controller}/{slug}.{id}/{action} (ie admin/user/getoutofmylab.1/edit) admin/{controller}/{action} (ie admin/user, this is just the index page of the user controller) admin / {controller} / {slug}。{id} / {action} (即admin / user / getoutofmylab.1 / edit) admin / {controller} / {action} (即admin / user,这只是索引页用户控制器)

When I browse from the root of my app to the user controller, I get admin/user. 当我从应用程序的根目录浏览到用户控制器时,我得到了admin / user。 Links for the edit action of the user controller generate correctly. 用户控制器的编辑操作的链接会正确生成。 However, if I link to the index action from within any other action in that controller, the URL is generated as such: admin/user/{slug}.{id}, which, if clicked, generates a 404 not found error. 但是,如果我从该控制器中的任何其他操作中链接到索引操作,则将这样生成URL:admin / user / {slug}。{id},如果单击该URL,则会生成404 not found错误。

Here's my AdminAreaRegisration: 这是我的AdminAreaRegisration:

    public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
            new { controller = "Application", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional, slug = "" },
            new string[] { "Web.Portal.Areas.Admin.Controllers" }

            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
            new string[] { "Web.Portal.Areas.Admin.Controllers" }

How can I achieve the desired result? 如何获得理想的结果?

Thanks 谢谢

似乎使用Html.RouteLink并指定操作有效,而不是使用Html.ActionLink:@ Html.RouteLink(“ List Applications”,“ Admin_Default”,new {action =“ Index”})

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