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批处理文件以从 FTP 下载名称以给定字符串开头的文件

[英]Batch file to download a file with name that starts with a given string from FTP

I use the following bat file:我使用以下bat文件:

::@echo off
cd /d %0\.. 
set cmd=%CD%

echo user %~2> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
echo %~3>> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
echo bin>> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
IF NOT "%5" == "" echo cd %~5>> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
echo get %~4 %cmd%\%~4>> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
echo quit>> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
ftp -n -s:%cmd%\ftpcmd.dat %1
del %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat

Parameters and executions are like below:参数和执行如下:

c:\download.bat  ftpHost login password file.xml FTP_FOLDER

As you can see this script copy file with the specific name.如您所见,此脚本复制文件具有特定名称。

How can I change this script to look for the first XML file that starts with a certain string.如何更改此脚本以查找以某个字符串开头的第一个 XML 文件。 So instead of file.xml I want pass beginning_of_the_string (without .xml ).因此,而不是file.xml我想通过beginning_of_the_string (不.xml )。 Then script should copy the first of these files?那么脚本应该复制这些文件中的第一个吗?

The Windows ftp.exe does not support wildcards on it own. Windows ftp.exe本身不支持通配符。 Though if you use a wildcard in mget command, it will pass it unmodified to the server.但是,如果您在mget命令中使用通配符,它​​将未经修改地将其传递给服务器。 If the server supports wildcards (what is a non-standard, but common behaviour), it will allow ftp.exe to download only the matching files.如果服务器支持通配符(这是一种非标准但常见的行为),它将允许ftp.exe仅下载匹配的文件。 See also FTP directory partial listing with wildcards .另请参阅带有通配符的 FTP 目录部分列表

mget beginning_of_the_string*.xml

If your FTP server does not support wilcards, you can run the ftp.exe in two phases.如果您的 FTP 服务器不支持通配符,您可以分两个阶段运行ftp.exe First to list the remote directory.首先列出远程目录。 Then you locally process the list to find a file with given prefix.然后在本地处理列表以查找具有给定前缀的文件。 And then run the ftp.exe again to download the file.然后再次运行ftp.exe下载文件。 Check the answer by @Hackoo for an example of such implementation.检查@Hackoo 的答案以获取此类实现的示例。

Or use another FTP client that supports wildcard matching locally.或者使用其他支持本地通配符匹配的 FTP 客户端。

Eg with WinSCP you can do:例如,使用WinSCP,您可以执行以下操作:

@echo off
cd /d %0\.. 
set cmd=%CD%

echo open ftp://%~2:%~3@%1 > %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
IF NOT "%5" == "" echo cd %~5 >> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
echo get %~4 %cmd%\ >> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
echo exit >> %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
%cmd%\winscp.com /script=%cmd%\ftpcmd.dat
del %cmd%\ftpcmd.dat

And you call it like:你这样称呼它:

c:\download.bat ftpHost login password beginning_of_the_string*.xml FTP_FOLDER

Instead of the beginning_of_the_string*.xml , use any other file mask/wildcard that WinSCP supports .而不是beginning_of_the_string*.xml ,使用WinSCP 支持的任何其他文件掩码/通配符

For details, see the guide to WinSCP scripting .有关详细信息,请参阅WinSCP 脚本编写指南。

(I'm the author of WinSCP) (我是 WinSCP 的作者)

As Martin Prikryl said :正如Martin Prikryl所说:

You can run the ftp.exe in two phases.您可以分两个阶段运行 ftp.exe。 First to list the remote directory.首先列出远程目录。 Then you locally process the list to find a file with given prefix.然后在本地处理列表以查找具有给定前缀的文件。 And then run the ftp.exe again to download the file.然后再次运行 ftp.exe 下载文件。

So you can give a try for this batch that can download from a public FTP Server : ftp.microsoft.com all ws*.doc files that start with this string ws as example :所以你可以试试这个可以从公共FTP 服务器下载的批处理文件:ftp.microsoft.com以该字符串ws开头的所有ws*.doc文件作为示例:

@echo off
mode con cols=85 lines=22 & Color A
Set FTPSERVER=ftp.microsoft.com
Title List files and folders on an FTP server (%FTPSERVER%) by Hackoo
Set USER=anonymous
Set Password=anonymous@anonymous.com
Set DossierFTP=/bussys/winsock/winsock2/
Set DownloadFolder=winsock2
Set BeginString=ws
Set ExtensionType=doc
Goto List
> ft.do echo Open %FTPSERVER%
>> ft.do echo %USER%
>> ft.do echo %Password%
>> ft.do echo prompt n
>> ft.do echo bin
>> ft.do echo cd %DossierFTP%
>> ft.do echo ls -R TLIST.txt
>> ft.do echo bye
ftp -s:ft.do
del ft.do
Color 9B
echo Click to Download the files list
Goto Download
> ft.do echo Open %FTPSERVER%
>> ft.do echo %USER%
>> ft.do echo %Password%
>> ft.do echo prompt n
>> ft.do echo bin
>> ft.do echo cd %DossierFTP%
findstr /r /i "%ExtensionType%" TLIST.txt > %ExtensionType%Files.txt
findstr /r /i "^%BeginString%" %ExtensionType%Files.txt > %ExtensionType%.txt
for /F %%f in (%ExtensionType%.txt) do ( >> ft.do echo get %%f) 
>> ft.do echo bye
ftp -s:ft.do
del ft.do
Color 9A
echo Moving downloaded files to %DownloadFolder% Folder
Goto MoveFiles
echo Moving downloaded files to %DownloadFolder% Folder
Set Source=%~dp0
Set Destination=%Source%%DownloadFolder%
if not exist %DownloadFolder% MD %DownloadFolder%
for /F %%f in (%ExtensionType%.txt) do (move "%Source%%%f" "%Destination%")

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