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[英]how do you convert to cidr in python3?

I have an ip address with a subnet mask 我的IP地址为1.2.3.4,子网掩码为255.255.255.0

I want to convert this to cidr notation 我想将此转换为cidr符号1.2.3.4/24

How do I do this in Python3? 如何在Python3中执行此操作?

Use the ipaddress module in the standard library. 使用标准库中的ipaddress模块。

An address plus a netmask is either a network or an interface, not an address. 地址加上网络掩码是网络或接口,而不是地址。 Given that you've got some of the host bits set (it's, not, either you've got an interface, or you've got a non-canonical name for a network; 假设您已经设置了一些主机位(它是1.2.3.4,而不是1.2.3.0),那么您要么拥有接口,要么拥有网络的非规范名称。 I'll assume it's an interface, so use ip_interface : 我假设它是一个接口,所以使用ip_interface

>>> i = ipaddress.ip_interface('')

Or, if you want to make sure it's explicitly IPv4 not IPv6: 或者,如果您要确保它明确是IPv4而不是IPv6:

>>> i = ipaddress.IPv4Interface('')

Or you can compose it out of an address and a network, instead of out of a combined string. 或者,您也可以使用地址和网络来组成它,而不用组合字符串来组成它。 It depends on what format you have this information in and what makes sense to you. 这取决于您以何种格式获取此信息以及什么对您有意义。

To get the CIDR format, use the with_prefixlen accessor: 要获取CIDR格式,请使用with_prefixlen访问器:

>>> i.with_prefixlen

You can also do all kinds of other nifty things—extract the address ( ) as i.address , or the network ( ) as i.network , or enumerate all the addresses on the network by treating i.network as a sequence, etc. 您还可以进行其他各种i.address操作-将地址( )提取为i.address ,或将网络( ,或者通过将i.network枚举来枚举网络上的所有地址。 i.network作为序列,等等。

You can use the IPy library to do this. 您可以使用IPy库执行此操作。 If you scroll down to the documentation you can see the string conversions it can do. 如果向下滚动到文档,则可以看到它可以进行的字符串转换。 The one we're after is strNormal(1) 我们追求的是strNormal(1)


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