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[英]Appengine deploy now has in valid Oauth2 error

This is the first question I have asked - I can normally find the answers I need but not this time. 这是我问的第一个问题-通常我可以找到所需的答案,但是这次没有。

I am trying to deploy to appengine from eclipse and am getting 401 invalid Oauth2 token. 我正在尝试从eclipse部署到appengine,并获得401无效的Oauth2令牌。 To try and fix this I have upgraded to sdk 1.9.19 and was then able to do a appcfg rollback after setting the --Oauth2 and then entered in the code supplied (I could not even do a rollback without the Oauth2 token). 为了解决这个问题,我已经升级到sdk 1.9.19,然后可以在设置--Oauth2之后执行appcfg回滚,然后输入提供的代码(没有Oauth2令牌,我什至无法回滚)。

I have found that Google are not allowing updates now from non secure (non Oauth2) apps and it would seem that Eclipse might be in that category. 我发现Google现在不允许来自非安全(非Oauth2)应用程序的更新,并且看来Eclipse可能属于该类别。 How can I / can I still do uploads to appengine from Eclipse. 我如何/仍可以从Eclipse上传到appengine。

This is a new problem, I have been using appengine from eclipse for years. 这是一个新问题,多年来我一直在使用eclipse的appengine。

Many thanks to anyone who can help. 非常感谢任何可以提供帮助的人。

It was a timeout. 超时了。 For some reason my upload speed has become much slower. 由于某种原因,我的上传速度变得慢得多。 Eventually the files are uploaded after several attempts with rollbacks in between. 最终,在经过几次回滚尝试之后,这些文件才被上载。

Rollbacks do now need the --oauth2 flag on appcfg in case anybody has the same problem. 现在,回滚确实需要在appcfg上使用--oauth2标志,以防有人遇到相同的问题。

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