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JavaScript stopPropagation

[英]Javascript stopPropagation

I'm just learning so probably the code is not the best. 我只是在学习,所以代码可能不是最好的。 I tried several examples in other answers but I'm stuck here. 我在其他答案中尝试了几个示例,但是我被困在这里。

Function invisibleDiv(){  
  var invDiv = document.createElement('div');  
  var secondDiv = document.createElement('div');  
  secondDiv.setAttribute('class', 'secondDiv');

And I have this jQuery code: 我有这个jQuery代码:

$(document).on("click", ".secondDiv", function (e){

All that is working but I'm trying to replace all my jQuery functions with pure Javascript so I tried this: 一切正常,但是我试图用纯Javascript替换所有jQuery函数,所以我尝试了以下方法:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
  var secondDiv = document.querySelector('.secondDiv').
  div.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    e.stopPropagation; // Not working
    secondDiv.stopPropagation; // Not working

I tried adding the event listener into the Function invisibleDiv and I can see in DevTools the event is attached, but when clicking secondDiv still triggers the event in invisibleDiv. 我尝试将事件侦听器添加到函数invisibleDiv中,并且可以在DevTools中看到该事件已附加,但是当单击secondDiv时仍会在invisibleDiv中触发该事件。

I can make it work adding both divs into the html code with Display: none/block but since it works with jQuery when added dynamically I wanna know what I'm doing wrong. 我可以使用Display:none / block将两个div添加到html代码中,但是由于动态添加时它可以与jQuery一起使用,所以我想知道自己在做错什么。

Update: 更新:

Based on your comments above, it seems to me that you're looking for something like this: 根据您上面的评论,在我看来您正在寻找这样的东西:

  var outer = document.querySelector('.outer');
  var inner = document.querySelector('.inner');

  outer.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
      console.log("Outer clicked");

 inner.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

http://jsfiddle.net/j9a0nsto/ http://jsfiddle.net/j9a0nsto/

It looks like you're not calling the function. 好像您没有在调用该函数。

Functions in JavaScript are executed by using () brackets so your code becomes: JavaScript中的函数通过使用()括号执行,因此您的代码将变为:

e.stopPropagation(); and secondDiv.stopPropagation(); secondDiv.stopPropagation();

The call to secondDiv.stopPropagation() is redundant since the element object doesn't have that function, and needs to be removed. 由于元素对象不具有该功能,因此对secondDiv.stopPropagation()的调用是多余的,因此需要将其删除。

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