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WPF TabControl与ContentControl

[英]WPF TabControl with ContentControl

I have searched a lot on SO and didn't find answer to my problems. 我在SO上搜索了很多,并没有找到我的问题的答案。 I want to use TabControl with MVVM. 我想将TabControl与MVVM一起使用。 Here is how I add TabControl to MainWindow.xaml 以下是我将TabControl添加到MainWindow.xaml的方法

        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type models:PartnersViewModel}">
            <views:PartnersView />
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type models:ProjectsViewModel}">
            <views:ProjectsView />


    <TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding PageViewModels}"  TabStripPlacement="Left">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                <ContentControl Content="{Binding}" />

PageViewModels is ObservableCollection<IPageViewModel> . PageViewModels是ObservableCollection<IPageViewModel> IPageViewModel is simple interface with one property Name . IPageViewModel是一个具有一个属性Name简单接口。 There are 2 implementation of this interface PartnersViewModel and ProjectsViewModel . 此接口有两个实现,即PartnersViewModelProjectsViewModel

public class ProjectsViewModel : IPageViewModel
    public String Name
        get { return "Projects"; }

public class PartnersViewModel : IPageViewModel
    public String Name
        get { return "Partners"; }

I want each tab to be displayed as ContentControl. 我希望每个选项卡都显示为ContentControl。 Header text is taken from Name property. 标题文本取自Name属性。 My ProjectsView and PartnersView looks like this: 我的ProjectsView和PartnersView看起来像这样:

<UserControl x:Class="WANIRPartners.Views.ProjectsView"
         xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" >
    <Label Content="Projects Content" />

Using this code, header and content in TabControl is exactly the same. 使用此代码, TabControl标题和内容完全相同。 'Projects Content'/'Partners Content' are shown in tab headers and also(this is ok) in tab content. “项目内容”/“合作伙伴内容”显示在选项卡标题中,并且(在标签内容中也可以)。 When I change <Label/> to <DataGrid/> tab headers contains datagrid (sic!). 当我将<Label/>更改为<DataGrid/>标签时,标题包含datagrid(sic!)。 How can I get this working properly. 我怎样才能使这个工作正常。 I mean how can I display headers as value of property Name and tab content as properly rendered <views:PartnersView /> or <views:ProjectsView /> depending on what is in PageViewModels . 我的意思是如何将标题显示为属性Name和标签内容的值作为正确呈现的<views:PartnersView /><views:ProjectsView />具体取决于PageViewModels

your code should work, dont have a IDE atm. 你的代码应该工作,没有IDE atm。 you can also use Snoop to check your bindings at runtime. 您还可以使用Snoop在运行时检查绑定。 i changed the ContentTemplate to: 我将ContentTemplate更改为:

            <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding .}" />

and it works. 它的工作原理。 but even your code works in my testapp. 但即使你的代码也适用于我的testapp。

I have discovered solution for Elysium. 我发现了极乐世界的解决方案。 Adding fter adding code belowe everything work fine. 在下面添加fter添加代码一切正常。

     <Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TabItem}}">
         <Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Name}"/>

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