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SMS与Magento API集成

[英]SMS Integration with Magento API

I am using Magento 1.8.1 and I want to integrate SMS with our store. 我正在使用Magento 1.8.1,并且想将SMS与我们的商店集成。

I have an API URL of SMS but don't know how and where to put that URL in Magento. 我有一个SMS的API URL,但不知道如何将该URL放置在Magento中。

They provide me this code: 他们向我提供此代码:

 <?php class sendsms { private $api_url; private $time; private $unicode; private $working_key; private $start; private $sender_id; public $api; public $wk; public $sid; public $to; /**function to set the working key * * @param string_type $wk:helps to change the working_key */ function setWorkingKey($wk) { $this->working_key=$wk; } /**function to set sender id * * @param string_type $sid:helps to change sender_id */ function setSenderId($sid) { $this->sender_id=$sid; } /**function to set API url * * @param string_type $apiurl:it is used to set api url */ function setapiurl($apiurl) { $this->api=$apiurl; $a=strtolower(substr($apiurl,0,7)); if ($a=="http://") //checking if already contains http:// { $api_url=substr($apiurl,7,strlen($apiurl)); $this->api_url=$api_url; $this->start="http://"; } elseif ($a=="https:/") //checking if already contains htps:// { $api_url=substr($apiurl,8,strlen($apiurl)); $this->api_url=$api_url; $this->start="https://"; } else { $this->api_url=$apiurl; $this->start="http://"; } } /** function to intialize constructor * * @param string_type $wk: it is working_key * @param string_type $sd: it is sender_id * @param string_type $apiurl: it is api_url * used for intializing the parameter */ function __construct($apiurl,$wk,$sd) { $this->setWorkingKey($wk); $this->setSenderId($sd); $this->setapiurl($apiurl); } /** * function to send sms * */ function send_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url,$type="xml") { $this->process_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url,$type="xml",$time="null",$unicode="null"); } /** * function to schedule sms * */ function schedule_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url,$type="xml",$time) { $this->process_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url,$type="xml",$time,$unicode=''); } /** * function to send unicode message */ function unicode_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url,$type="xml",$unicode) { $this->process_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url,$type="xml",$time='',$unicode); } /** * function to send out sms * @param string_type $to : is mobile number where message needs to be send * @param string_type $message :it is message content * @param string_type $dlr_url: it is used for delivering report to client * @param string_type $type: type in which report is delivered * @return output $this->api=$apiurl; */ function process_sms($to,$message,$dlr_url="",$type="xml",$time='',$unicode='') { $message=urlencode($message); $this->to=$to; $to=substr($to,-10) ; $arrayto=array("9", "8" ,"7"); $to_check=substr($to,0,1); if(in_array($to_check, $arrayto)) $this->to=$to; else echo "invalid number"; if($time=='null') $time=''; else $time="&time=$time"; if($unicode=='null') $unicode=''; else $unicode="&unicode=$unicode"; $url="$this->start$this->api_url/web2sms.php?workingkey=$this->working_key&sender=$this->sender_id&to=$to&message=$message&type=$type&dlr_url=$dlr_url$time$unicode"; $this->execute($url); } /** * function to check message delivery status * string_type $mid : it is message id */ function messagedelivery_status($mid) { $url="$this->start$this->api_url/status.php?workingkey=$this->working_key&messageid=$mid"; $this->execute($url); } /** * function to check group message delivery * string_type $gid: it is group id */ function groupdelivery_status($gid) { $url="$this->start$this->api_url/groupstatus.php?workingkey=$this->working_key&messagegid=$gid"; $this->execute($url); } /** * function to request to clent url */ function execute($url) { $ch=curl_init(); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $output=curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $output; return $output; } } 

I am new to Magento, so please help me with the API integration. 我是Magento的新手,所以请帮助我进行API集成。

For SMS Integration you need to decide what event you want to handle. 对于SMS集成,您需要确定要处理的事件。

Magento Events List are available here . Magento活动列表可在此处获得

After it you need to create observer for choosen event. 之后,您需要为选择的事件创建观察者。

An Observer is an event handler. 观察者是事件处理程序。 It listens to any event it is attached to and accordingly reacts to the event. 它监听它所附加的任何事件,并对该事件做出反应。

Your SMS API should be usen in observer. 您的SMS API应该在观察者中使用。 ( It is method in PHP class. ) (这是PHP类中的方法。)

For creating observer in Magento you need to read this documentation . 在Magento中创建观察者时,您需要阅读本文档

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