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[英]R: Define column name with paste()

The question is pretty simple but I couldn't find a solution. 问题很简单,但我找不到解决方案。

I want to create a new dataframe defining the name of the column with paste0 . 我想创建一个新的数据paste0paste0定义列的名称。

Ideally I would like to do something like this (which of doesn't work). 理想情况下,我想做这样的事情(哪些不起作用)。

mydataframe <- data.frame(id = 1,
                          paste0('Here_','my_','column_','name') = 'foo')
# Error: unexpected '=' in:
#   "mydataframe <- data.frame(id = 1,
#                           paste0('Here_','my_','column_','name') ="

Also, why doesn't work? 另外,为什么不起作用?

Data.frame is a function, and therefore takes arguments. Data.frame是一个函数,因此接受参数。 These arguments cannot be other functions. 这些参数不能是其他函数。 For example, you could not define a function like fn <- function(paste0('Hi_', 'how_are_you') = x) { x } . 例如,您无法定义函数,如fn <- function(paste0('Hi_', 'how_are_you') = x) { x } R just doesn't work that way. R就是这样不行。

However, you still can dynamically change your column names after the fact: 但是,您仍然可以在事后动态更改列名:

df <- data.frame(1, 'foo')
names(df) <- c('id', paste0('Here_','my_','column_','name'))

That should do what you want. 那应该做你想要的。

Bonus: You can simplify your paste as follows: paste('Here', 'my', 'column', 'name', sep = '_') . 奖励:您可以按如下方式简化粘贴: paste('Here', 'my', 'column', 'name', sep = '_')

You can do 你可以做

df[, paste('Here', 'my', 'column', 'name', sep = '_')] <- 'foo'

It is impossible to do it as you suggest, because no variable is evaluated, it just gets exactly what you are writing and trying to use it as a name for the column. 按照你的建议不可能这样做,因为没有评估变量,它只是得到你正在编写的内容,并试图将它用作列的名称。 This way, paste('Here', 'my', 'column', 'name', sep = '_') gets evaluated and the returned string is actually used as a name for the column. 这样, paste('Here', 'my', 'column', 'name', sep = '_')将被评估,返回的字符串实际上将用作列的名称。

I needed the same some time ago and solved the problem with putting all the command inside paste function with following evaluation 前段时间我需要同样的东西,并通过以下评估将所有命令放入粘贴功能中解决了问题

mydf <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
  "data.frame( id =", 1, ", my_col", i, "=", 55, ")")))

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