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Visual Studio 2013安装程序项目和所有用户快捷方式

[英]Visual Studio 2013 Installer Projects and All User Shortcuts

I have a VS 2013 Installer Project, it all works fine for the user that installs the app, however all other user profiles see the following when they run the shortcuts: 我有一个VS 2013安装程序项目,对于安装该应用程序的用户来说一切正常,但是所有其他用户配置文件在运行快捷方式时都会看到以下内容:


It appears that the shortcut is the issue here. 似乎快捷方式是这里的问题。 If I go to program files and run the app directly and/or create a new shortcut the app runs with no issues. 如果我进入程序文件并直接运行该应用程序和/或创建新的快捷方式,则该应用程序可以正常运行。

I have set InstallAllUsers to True: 我已经将InstallAllUsers设置为True:


I also noticed if I set the InstallAllUsersVisable to True, it doesn't actually appear in the install wizard. 我还注意到,如果将InstallAllUsersVisable设置为True,它实际上不会出现在安装向导中。

Shortcuts are added to the highlighted folders: 快捷方式将添加到突出显示的文件夹中: 在此处输入图片说明

Is there a way to get around the install prompt? 有没有解决安装提示的方法? If not can I somehow get the installer to cache the msi so its accessible? 如果不能,我能否以某种方式让安装程序缓存MSI,以便其可访问?

I did notice the shortcut path is just UC Extend, not the path to the exe: 我确实注意到快捷方式路径只是UC Extend,而不是exe的路径: 在此处输入图片说明

Not sure what I am doing wrong here. 不知道我在做什么错。 No amount for searching the net has helped me get past this. 搜索网络的数量并没有帮助我克服这一问题。 Really appreciate some help on this :) 真的感谢一些帮助:)

I ended up creating a new installer project and the problem went away. 我最终创建了一个新的安装程序项目,问题消失了。 I had applied VS 2013 SP1 since originally creating the project so maybe that was the fix. 自从最初创建项目以来,我就一直使用VS 2013 SP1,所以也许就是这样。

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