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[英]using stickytableheaders with requirejs not loading

I am trying to load stickytableheaders with requirejs and can't seem to get it to work. 我正在尝试用requirejs加载stickytableheaders ,但似乎无法使其正常工作。 Always says that it's not found. 总是说找不到。 I have confirmed it's loading that script prior to the use of it. 我已经确认它是在使用脚本之前先加载该脚本的。

any idea why $("table").stickyTableHeaders(); 任何想法为什么$("table").stickyTableHeaders(); would throw an undefined is not a function error? 会抛出undefined is not a function错误吗?

Config file 配置文件

var require = {
    baseUrl: "/",
    paths: {
        "bootstrap": "Scripts/bootstrap/bootstrap",
        "jquery": "Scripts/jquery/jquery-1.9.1",        
        "stickyTableHeaders": "Scripts/stickyheader/stickyheader",
        "knockout": "Scripts/knockout/knockout-3.3.0",
        "text": "Scripts/require/text",
        "domReady": "Scripts/require/domReady"
    shim: {
        "bootstrap": {
            deps: ["jquery"]
        'stickyTableHeaders': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
            exports: 'jQuery.fn.stickyTableHeaders'

startup file 启动文件

    , 'knockout'
    , 'Scripts/App/components/appViewModel'
    , 'stickyTableHeaders'
    , 'bootstrap'
    , '/Scripts/knockout/bindinghandlers.js'
    , 'domReady!']
    , function ($, ko, appViewModel, stickyTableHeaders) {

    ko.components.register('reportingline', { require: 'Scripts/App/components/reportingline/line' });
    ko.components.register('newrpt', { require: 'Scripts/App/components/newrpt/newreport' });


    ko.applyBindings(new appViewModel());

I was able to get it to work. 我能够使它正常工作。

I had to add the code to the end of the view model for the page that it was needed on. 我必须将代码添加到所需页面的视图模型的末尾。 Seems there should be a way to do it globally though. 似乎应该有一种全球性的方法。

$("table").stickyTableHeaders(); $(“ table”)。stickyTableHeaders();

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