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[英]How to write data in excel or csv with different color, size , Font , Bold and Italic format using c#

I am writing some report in csv ...so for the best visibility i have to write some data in bold style and some data in different color while writing data into csv..i am using below code for writing in csv .. 我正在用csv写一些报告...因此,为了获得最佳可见性,我必须在将数据写入csv时以粗体样式写一些数据,并以不同的颜色写一些数据。我正在使用以下代码在csv中写..

        FileInfo outtxt = new FileInfo(filename);
        //  StreamWriter logline = outtxt.AppendText();
        // initialiseStream();
        StreamWriter logline = new StreamWriter(fs);
        if (f == 0)

So how can we format this. 那么我们如何格式化它。

Urgent or not: 紧急与否:

A .csv (Commas Separated Values) is piure text file, it contains fields separated by , or ; 一个.csv(逗号分隔值)是piure文本文件,它包含字段分隔,; .

It is not possible to include any formatting in these files. 这些文件中不能包含任何格式。

As others have pointed out, .csv is just a simple text file but you can generate .xlsx files using other libraries available in nuget. 正如其他人指出的那样,.csv只是一个简单的文本文件,但是您可以使用nuget中提供的其他库来生成.xlsx文件。

In my opinion Epplus is a really easy to use example. 我认为Epplus是一个非常易于使用的示例。

If you install this package then the following should give you an example you can use to get started: 如果安装此软件包,则以下内容将为您提供示例,供您入门使用:

using OfficeOpenXml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication9
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
                ExcelWorksheet ws = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("MySheet");

                ws.Cells["A1"].Value = "Some Bold Text";
                ws.Cells["A1"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                ws.Cells["A2"].Value = "Some blue text";
                ws.Cells["A3"].Value = "Some Large Text";
                ws.Cells["A3"].Style.Font.Size = 22;

                ws.Cells["A3"].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Red);

                ws.Row(3).Height = 23;

                package.SaveAs(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"C:\Temp\example.xlsx"));

I guess what your are talking about is formatting in excel while displaying the .csv file. 我猜您正在谈论的是在显示.csv文件时使用excel formatting CSV is just a plain text file mostly comma separate. CSV只是纯文本文件,多数情况下用comma分隔。

If you want to format excel, take a look at Open XML You have to create some styles to display in bold and with colors.It's a bit painful route. 如果要format excel,请查看Open XML,您必须创建一些styles才能以粗体和彩色显示,这有点麻烦。 If you want easy , you might want to take a look at Closed XML library. 如果想轻松一点,您可能想看看Closed XML库。 This one does all the hard work for you and you just have to call few methods to get your work done. 这项工作为您完成了所有艰苦的工作,您只需调用几种方法即可完成工作。

You can use EasyXLS Excel library to write both Excel or CSV file, but the CSV file cannot contain formatting, since is just a plain text file format. 您可以使用EasyXLS Excel库编写Excel或CSV文件,但是CSV文件不能包含格式,因为它只是纯文本文件格式。

To write Excel file use this code sample: 要编写Excel文件,请使用以下代码示例:

ExcelDocument workbook = new ExcelDocument(1);
ExcelTable tableData = ((ExcelWorksheet)workbook.easy_getSheetAt(0)).easy_getExcelTable();

To format the cell use this sample code: 要格式化单元格,请使用以下示例代码:

ExcelStyle xlsStyle = new ExcelStyle();

For more details about formatting check this link: 有关格式化的更多详细信息,请检查此链接:
http://www.easyxls.com/manual/basics/format-excel-cells.html http://www.easyxls.com/manual/basics/format-excel-cells.html

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