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signalR调用服务器方法,该方法调用集线器外部的回调方法。 如何从该方法调用客户端功能?

[英]signalR calls a server method and that method calls a callback method ,outside the hub. How can I call client function from that method?

I want to process a stream of data and need to display the processed data near real time. 我想处理数据流,需要实时显示处理过的数据。 For that I created a hub class 为此,我创建了一个集线器类

    public class AzureGuidanceEventHubReceiver : Hub
        EventProcessorHost eventProcessorHost;
        public async void ProcessEvents()
           //Do some code here

And the class which processes the data is, 处理数据的类是,

     public class SimpleEventProcessor : IEventProcessor

        public async Task ProcessEventsAsync(PartitionContext context, IEnumerable<EventData> events)
            foreach (EventData eventData in events)
                int data;
                var newData = this.DeserializeEventData(eventData);
                //how to display newData in the browser????????????????????????????????                                                

My client side code is 我的客户端代码是

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        var receiverHub= $.connection.azureGuidanceEventHubReceiver;
        receiverHub.client.displayMessage = function (data) {
        var encodedData = $('<div />').text(data).html();
        // Add the message to the page. 
            $('#discussion').append('<li><strong>' + encodedData + '</li>');

        //// Start the connection.
        $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {

                $('#sendmessage').click(function () {

Here I made a call to ProcessEvents method in the Hub class and that registers the SimpleEventProcessor. 在这里,我调用了Hub类中的ProcessEvents方法,并注册了SimpleEventProcessor。 And thus execution comes into ProcessEventsAsync in SimpleEventProcessor. 因此执行进入SimpleEventProcessor中的ProcessEventsAsync。 From this ProcessEventsAsync method, I need to call the clientside code to display the data. 从这个ProcessEventsAsync方法,我需要调用客户端代码来显示数据。 Do I need to make SimpleEventProcessor also as a hub class? 我是否还需要将SimpleEventProcessor作为集线器类?

You can use following code to get hold of HubContext which allows you to invoke client methods from outside of hub istance: 您可以使用以下代码来获取HubContext,它允许您从集线器以外的地方调用客户端方法:

var hubContext =  GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<AzureGuidanceEventHubReceiver>();

Here I am facing a problem that The client method DisplayMessage is not executing everytime. 在这里,我遇到的问题是客户端方法DisplayMessage不是每次都执行。 I need to display a stream of message. 我需要显示一条消息流。 But when I put debugger in the client code, it executes everytime.Here is my client code. 但是当我将调试器放在客户端代码中时,它每次都会执行。这是我的客户端代码。

    chat.client.displayMessage = function (data) {                
            // Html encode display data 


            var encodedData = $('<div />').text(data.GPSPosition).html();
            var data = encodedData.split("\n");
            var varlat = data[0].replace("Latitude:","").trim();
            var varlong = data[1].replace("Longitude:", "").trim();
            ShowInGoogleMap(varlat, varlong);

how can i display a stream of messages? 我该如何显示消息流? Why it is only working with debugger? 为什么它只与调试器一起使用?

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