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[英]JPA mapping entities with hql column names

I am trying to use a feature like RowMapper which provides me with ResultSet, so that I can set the attributes of my pojo by taking resultSet.getString("column_name") in JPA. 我正在尝试使用像RowMapper这样的功能,该功能为我提供ResultSet,以便可以通过在JPA中使用resultSet.getString("column_name")来设置pojo的属性。

But JPA doesn't seems to provide such a feature. 但是JPA似乎没有提供这种功能。

StringBuffer rcmApprovalSqlString = new StringBuffer(QueryConstants.APPROVAL_DETAILS_SQL);
List<ApprovalDTO> finalApprovalList = null;

Query rcmApprovalTrailQuery = getEntityManager().createQuery(rcmApprovalSqlString.toString());

List<?> approvalList = rcmApprovalTrailQuery.getResultList();
finalApprovalList = new ArrayList<ApprovalDTO>();
for(Object approvalObj : approvalList){
    Object[] obj = (Object[]) approvalObj;

    ApprovalDTO approvalDTO = new ApprovalDTO();
    approvalDTO.setDeptName(obj[0]!=null? obj[0].toString() : NAPSConstants.BLANK_STRING);
    approvalDTO.setUserId(obj[1]!=null? obj[1].toString()+" "+obj[2].toString() : NAPSConstants.BLANK_STRING);

    approvalDTO.setComment(obj[6]!=null? obj[6].toString() : NAPSConstants.BLANK_STRING);


So instead of doing approvalDTO.setComment(obj[6]) which is the 6th element of array, can I do something like approvalDTO.setComment(rs.getString("comments")); 因此,我可以做诸如approvalDTO.setComment(rs.getString("comments"));事情,而不是做approvalDTO.setComment(obj[6])的第六个元素approvalDTO.setComment(rs.getString("comments")); approvalDTO.setComment(obj[6]) approvalDTO.setComment(rs.getString("comments")); ?

So if in future my column position change in the query, I will not have to change my DAO code to match the column number. 因此,如果将来在查询中更改列的位置,则无需更改DAO代码以匹配列号。

My hql query = select   ad.departmentid.departmentname, ad.userid.userfirstname, ad.userid.userlastname, ad.napsroleid.napsrolename, 
        ad.approvalstatus, ad.approvaltimestamp, ad.approvalcomments 
from    ApprovaldetailsTbl ad 
where   ad.forminstanceid.forminstanceid = ?1 
order by approvallevelid asc

With JPA 2.1 you have a great possibility to use SqlResultSetMapping . 使用JPA 2.1,您很有可能使用SqlResultSetMapping You can find out more for example here: 您可以在此处找到更多示例:

http://www.thoughts-on-java.org/2015/04/result-set-mapping-constructor.html http://www.thoughts-on-java.org/2015/04/result-set-mapping-constructor.html

http://www.thoughts-on-java.org/2015/04/result-set-mapping-basics.html http://www.thoughts-on-java.org/2015/04/result-set-mapping-basics.html

http://www.thoughts-on-java.org/2015/04/result-set-mapping-complex.html http://www.thoughts-on-java.org/2015/04/result-set-mapping-complex.html

The idea is that instead of doing it as you used to do: 这个想法是,而不是像以前那样做:

List<Object[]> results = this.em.createNativeQuery("SELECT a.id, a.firstName, a.lastName, a.version FROM Author a").getResultList();

    results.stream().forEach((record) -> {
            Long id = ((BigInteger) record[0]).longValue();
            String firstName = (String) record[1];
            String lastName = (String) record[2];
            Integer version = (Integer) record[3];

you can introduce an annotation: 您可以引入一个注释:

        name = "AuthorMapping",
        entities = @EntityResult(
                entityClass = Author.class,
                fields = {
                    @FieldResult(name = "id", column = "authorId"),
                    @FieldResult(name = "firstName", column = "firstName"),
                    @FieldResult(name = "lastName", column = "lastName"),
                    @FieldResult(name = "version", column = "version")}))

and afterwards use the mapping (by specifying mapping name) in your query: 然后在查询中使用映射(通过指定映射名称):

List<Author> results = this.em.createNativeQuery("SELECT a.id as authorId, a.firstName, a.lastName, a.version FROM Author a", "AuthorMapping").getResultList();

I am able to fetch the desired result only with Native query and not with NamedNativeQuery - 我只能使用本机查询而不是NamedNativeQuery来获取所需的结果-

Query rcmApprovalTrailQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(rcmApprovalSqlString.toString(),"ApprovalMapping");

            List<ApprovaldetailsTbl> approvalList = rcmApprovalTrailQuery.getResultList();

My native query - 我的本机查询-

String RCM_APPROVAL_DETAILS_SQL = "select * "+
                " from  ApprovalDetails_TBL ad " +
                " where ad.ApprovalDetailsId = ? ";

SqlResultSetMapping - SqlResultSetMapping-


Note that you need to map all the column names to the entity field names if you are not using * in select query eg - 请注意,如果未在选择查询中使用*,则需要将所有列名称映射到实体字段名称,例如-

fields = {
                        @FieldResult(name = "col1", column = "alais1"),
                        @FieldResult(name = "col2", column = "alais2")})

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