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[英]Local storage JavaScript in HTML

I'm making a craft beer webpage, and I want users to type in their age before entering. 我正在制作精酿啤酒网页,希望用户在输入年龄之前输入。 The initial prompt works, but if I switch tabs and go back to home page I am prompted again. 最初的提示有效,但是如果我切换选项卡并返回首页,则会再次提示我。

Question: How do I only get one prompt and save it until user exits the whole webpage including navigating tabs.` 问题:在用户退出整个页面(包括导航选项卡)之前,如何仅获得一个提示并保存它。

My script: 我的剧本:

 <script> function CloseWindow(){ window.open('','_self',''); window.close(); } </script> <script> var age; age = prompt("Please enter in your age: "); if (age >= 21){ alert("Age is valid"); } else{ alert("Not valid age"); CloseWindow(); } </script> 

Use the window.localStorage object to store the user's age. 使用window.localStorage对象存储用户的年龄。 This will allow the information to persist through pages. 这将使信息在页面中保持不变。

if (window.localStorage && !window.localStorage.age) {
     //Your code here to prompt the user's age and save it in window.localStorage.age
} else {
    //Your code here to prompt the user's age and save it in document.cookie

Below is an example snippet on how you can incorporate localStorage by building on top of your code. 下面是一个示例代码段,介绍如何通过在代码之上进行构建来合并localStorage You can clean it up for what you need. 您可以根据需要进行清理。 If you want an alternative that resets when you close your browser, you can just replace localStorage with sessionStorage . 如果您希望在关闭浏览器时重置的替代方法,则只需将localStorage替换为sessionStorage

 function CloseWindow() {
   window.open('', '_self', '');

 var validAge = localStorage.getItem('validAge');
 if (!validAge) {
   var age;
   age = prompt('Please enter in your age: ');
   if (age >= 21) {
     alert('Age is valid');
     localStorage.setItem('validAge', 'true');
   } else {
     alert('Not valid age');
     localStorage.setItem('validAge', 'false');
 } else if (validAge === 'true') {
   alert('Age is valid');
 } else if (validAge === 'false') {
   alert('Not valid age');

This is a link that shows some localStorage polyfills for outdated browsers. 链接显示了一些针对过时浏览器的localStorage填充。

In order to do that, you need to create a variable in the local storage and check its content before running the whole function again. 为此,您需要在本地存储中创建一个变量并检查其内容,然后再次运行整个函数。 I suggest you check online for tutorials how to do that, here's one I found for you : http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html 我建议您在网上查看有关如何执行此操作的教程,这是我为您找到的教程: http : //diveintohtml5.info/storage.html

Here's an example of how to do it simply too : 这也是一个简单的示例:

//Get the variable from the local storage
var age = localStorage.getItem('age') || 0; //instead you get nothing

if (age >= 18) {
   //access the website
} else {
   //here's where you run your function

   //Set the local storage variable
   localstorage.setItem('age', age) //where *age* is the name of the function's variable


I hope this will helps ! 我希望这会有所帮助! Good luck ;) 祝好运 ;)

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