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[英]Node.JS, Server close Keep-Alive connection in middle of request

I have Node.js HTTP server which closes incoming connections if their idle for 10 seconds, and client which uses Keep-Alive connections pool to request this server. 我有Node.js HTTP服务器,如果传入连接处于空闲状态10秒钟,它将关闭传入连接,还有使用Keep-Alive连接池请求此服务器的客户端。 When I start send requests with interval 10 seconds, I got periodically error messages ECONNRESET, I think because connection closes in middle of HTTP request. 当我以10秒的间隔开始发送请求时,我会定期收到错误消息ECONNRESET,因为连接是在HTTP请求的中间关闭的。 Is there any elegant solution except simple resending request? 除了简单的重新发送请求,是否有任何优雅的解决方案?

server.js server.js

var server = require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
  console.log(new Date(), "Request ", req.method);

server.timeout = 10000;

server.on("connection", function(socket) {
  console.log("New connection");
  socket._created = new Date().getTime();
  socket.on("close", function() {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    console.log(new Date(), "Socket closed, TTL", (now - socket._created)/1000);

client.js client.js

var http = require("http");

var agent = new http.Agent({
  keepAlive: true

var reqSent = 0;
var NEED_REQS = 10;
var TIMEOUT = 10000;

function _req() {
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  var req = http.get({
    host: "localhost",
    port: 3000,
    agent: agent
  }, function(res) {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    console.log("Sent:", reqSent, (now - start)/1000);

    if(reqSent >= NEED_REQS) {
    res.on('data', function (chunk) {

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, TIMEOUT);
  req.on("error", function(err) {


Running client.js 运行client.js

$ node client.js
Sent: 1 0.028
Sent: 2 0.008
Sent: 3 0.002
{ [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }

I did reproduce your problem with sending requests each 5 seconds. 我确实每5秒发送一次请求就重现了您的问题。 The default keepAlive timeout in nodejs is 5 seconds, https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_keepalivetimeout nodejs中的默认keepAlive超时为5秒, https: //nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_keepalivetimeout

This github issue against nodejs explains the behavior well, https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/20256 The workaround would be to set keepAlive timout client side to something less than the timeout on server side but I don't see such option in nodejs, https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_new_agent_options 这个针对nodejs的github问题很好地解释了该行为, https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/20256解决方法是将keepAlive timout客户端设置为小于服务器端超时的值,但是我看不到nodejs中的此类选项, https: //nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_new_agent_options


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