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[英]How to add functionality of treatment to my own linked list

My question is to add treat with foreach my own linked list. 我的问题是在我自己的链表中添加foreach。 I created my linked list by seeing example here 我通过看实例创建了链接列表在这里

And I want to add LINQ to my linked list. 我想将LINQ添加到我的链表中。 Where i can see it? 我在哪里可以看到它? Or how i can implement it? 还是我可以实现它?

You just need to implement IEnumerabe<object> inside your LinkedList class: 您只需要在LinkedList类中实现IEnumerabe<object>

public class LinkedList : IEnumerable<object>
        // your code
        // ....

        public IEnumerator<object> GetEnumerator()
            var current = this.head;

            while (current != null)
                yield return current.data;
                current = current.next;

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

Then, Linq will work: 然后, Linq将工作:

var result = myLinkedList.Where(data => /* some condition */)
                         .Select(data => data.ToString();

As far as IEnumerable implementation is lazy evaluted ( yield return ) you would want to throw exception when list was modified while itering (to prevent bugs or sth): IEnumerable实现的延迟评估( yield return )而言,当您在迭代过程中修改list时,您想抛出异常(以防止bug或其他):

public class LinkedList : IEnumerable<object>
     long version = 0;

     public void Add(object data) //it is required for all
                                  methods that modyfies collection
         // yout code
         this.vesion += 1;

     public IEnumerator<object> GetEnumerator()
         var current = this.head;
         var v = this.version;

         while (current != null)
              if (this.version != v) 
                  throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection was modified");

              yield return current.data;
              current = current.next;


You can implement a AsEnumerable() to use linq 您可以实现一个AsEnumerable()以使用linq

public IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable<T>()
    var current = root;
    while (current != null)
        yield return current;
        current = current.NextNode;

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