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如何从C#修改XAML DataTemplate中定义的元素的值?

[英]How can I modify from C# the value of an element which is define in a XAML DataTemplate?

I created a "WPF Application Project" in Visual Studio 2013. 我在Visual Studio 2013中创建了“ WPF应用程序项目”。

I opened the "MainWindow.xaml" file and I wrote the following XAML code: 我打开“ MainWindow.xaml”文件,并编写了以下XAML代码:

<Window x:Class="TestProject.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">

    <DataTemplate x:Key="AlphaDataTemplate">
            Content="Good morning!" />

        ContentTemplate="{StaticResource AlphaDataTemplate}" />
        Content="Change the content of the Label in the DataTemplate"
        Height="30" />

In this XAML file I created a "DataTemplate" which corresponds to the key "AlphaDataTemplate". 在此XAML文件中,我创建了一个与键“ AlphaDataTemplate”相对应的“ DataTemplate”。 The DataTmplate contains just one label with the name "LabelInDataTemplate" where I have hardcoded the "Good morning!" DataTmplate仅包含一个名称为“ LabelInDataTemplate”的标签,在其中我已硬编码了“早上好!”。 string in the "Content" attribute of the label. 标签的“内容”属性中的字符串。

Then I use created a "ContentPresenter" with the name "MyContentPresenter" and I pass as content the "DataTemplate" I previously created (AlphaDataTemplate). 然后,我使用名称为“ MyContentPresenter”的“ ContentPresenter”进行创建,并将先前创建的“ DataTemplate”(AlphaDataTemplate)作为内容传递。

As next step, I created a "Button" with the name "MyButton" and I have set a "Click" event called "MyButton_OnClick" 下一步,我创建了一个名为“ MyButton”的“ Button”,并设置了一个名为“ MyButton_OnClick”的“ Click”事件。

So far so good...! 到现在为止还挺好...!

The question comes now and actually in C# in the code behind file "MainWindow.xaml.cs". 现在,实际上是在C#文件“ MainWindow.xaml.cs”后面的代码中出现了问题。 See the code below: 请参见下面的代码:

using System.Windows;

namespace TestProject { public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); 名称空间TestProject {公共局部类MainWindow:Window {public MainWindow(){InitializeComponent();

    private void MyButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        LabelInDataTemplate.Content = "Bye!";   // <-- Tha does not work.

} }

In this C# code behind file you can see the definition of the "Click" (MyButton_OnClick) event of the Button (MyButton) which appears in XAML. 在此C#代码隐藏文件中,您可以看到XAML中出现的按钮(MyButton)的“ Click”(MyButton_OnClick)事件的定义。

What I am trying to do in this "Click" event, is to change the value of the "Content" of the "Label" (LabelInDataTemplate) which is in the DataTemplate (AlphaDataTemplate). 我要在此“单击”事件中尝试做的是更改DataTemplate(AlphaDataTemplate)中“ Label”(LabelInDataTemplate)的“ Content”的值。

Unfortunately, that does not work. 不幸的是,这行不通。

I cannot actually access the "Name" (LabelInDataTemplate) of the "Label", because it is contained in the "DataTemplate" (AlphaDataTemplate) 我实际上无法访问“标签”的“名称”(LabelInDataTemplate),因为它包含在“ DataTemplate”(AlphaDataTemplate)中

If anyone has any idea, how could I modify from C# the value of an element which is define in a XAML DataTemplate, please give me feedback. 如果有人有任何想法,我该如何从C#修改XAML DataTemplate中定义的元素的值,请给我反馈。 I would really appreciate it. 我真的很感激。

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Please learn MVVM and use proper DataBinding for this purpose. 请学习MVVM并为此使用适当的DataBinding。 For sake of solving this problem: 为了解决这个问题:

  1. Implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface on your Window class and Define string property like below 在Window类上实现INotifyPropertyChanged接口,并定义如下所示的字符串属性

     public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; } public string _contentMsg; public string ContentMsg { get { return _contentMsg; } set { _contentMsg = value; RaisePropertyChanged("ContentMsg"); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propName) { if(PropertyChanged !=null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName)); } } 
  2. In your xaml bind the ContentPresenter and update your DataTemplate label like 在您的xaml中,绑定ContentPresenter并更新您的DataTemplate标签,例如

     <ContentPresenter Name="MyContentPresenter" Content = "{Binding ContentMsg}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource AlphaDataTemplate}" /> <DataTemplate x:Key="AlphaDataTemplate"> <Label Name="LabelInDataTemplate" Content="{Binding}" /> 

  3. Now in click handler (I would use Commands here), set ContentMsg to whatever you want 现在在点击处理程序中(我将在此处使用命令),将ContentMsg设置为所需的任何值

      private void MyButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ContentMsg = "Bye!"; } 

I strongly oppose your method of changing the content of label via DataTemplate, However your requirement is possible, but very subtle. 我强烈反对您通过DataTemplate更改标签内容的方法,但是您的要求是可能的,但是非常微妙。


private void MyButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var alphaDataTemplate = this.Resources["AlphaDataTemplate"] as DataTemplate;
    var label = alphaDataTemplate.FindName("LabelInDataTemplate", MyContentPresenter) as Label;
    label.Content = "It Works";

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