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[英]Why won't my print line work?

I want this program to sort jumbled words in alphabetical order, be compared to the dictionary, and be matched with dictionary words. 我希望该程序按字母顺序对混乱的单词进行排序,与字典进行比较,并与字典单词匹配。 I get it to print out the jumbles in alphabetical order but it will not print the dictionary words even though I have a print line. 我得到它以字母顺序打印出杂物,但是即使我有打印行,它也不会打印字典单词。

public class i
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    if (args.length < 2 ) die("No dictionary");

    BufferedReader dictionaryFile = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( args[0] ));
    BufferedReader jumbleFile = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( args[1] ));

    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    ArrayList<String> jumbleWords = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> dictionaryWords = new ArrayList<String>(); 

        String dictWord = dictionaryFile.readLine(); 

        String word = jumbleFile.readLine();
        //String canWord = toCanonical(word); 
        map.put(word, new ArrayList<String>()); 

    for(String dictionaryWord : dictionaryWords)
        String canDictWord = toCanonical(dictionaryWord); 
            ArrayList<String> listOfWords = map.get(canDictWord); 
        ArrayList<String> keysList = new ArrayList(map.keySet());
        for(String key : keysList)

            ArrayList<String> list = map.get(key);
        for(String word : list)
                   if (toCanonical(key).equals(toCanonical(word)))
                    System.out.print(word + " ");   


private static void die( String errmsg )
            System.out.println( "\nFATAL ERROR: " + errmsg + "\n" );

private static String toCanonical( String word )
    char[] letters = word.toCharArray();
    return new String(letters);    

The values of your map are defined to be of type ArrayList<String> , but in the code below, your trying to check whether it contains a regular String . 映射的值被定义为ArrayList<String>类型,但是在下面的代码中,您尝试检查其是否包含常规String

if(map.containsValue(canDictWord)) {
    // ...

This will always return false, so the reason your println doesn't work is because the map's value ArrayList s will always be empty. 这将始终返回false,因此您的println不起作用的原因是因为映射的值ArrayList始终为空。

It's difficult to figure out what you're actually trying to achieve, and the formatting (or lack thereof) of your code makes it even harder. 很难弄清您实际要实现的目标,而代码的格式(或缺乏代码格式)则使其变得更加困难。 You probably should try making a map with the dictionary words as keys, and the jumbled words as a list of values. 您可能应该尝试以词典词作为键,将混杂词作为值列表来制作地图。 Then you can use map.containsKey(toCanonical(jumbledWord)) and add the jumbled word to the list of values for that key. 然后,您可以使用map.containsKey(toCanonical(jumbledWord))并将混乱的单词添加到该键的值列表中。

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