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[英]Disable Video area in the MediaElement in WPF?

I am playing a Video url in the MediaElement in one of my WPF application. 我正在WPF应用程序之一的MediaElement中播放视频URL。 But I have to play only Audio and dont need to display any video area in the MediaElement. 但是我只需要播放音频,而无需在MediaElement中显示任何视频区域。 It needs to be disabled. 需要禁用它。 Is there any option to do this ?. 有什么选择吗? Can you guys help me in this ? 你们可以帮我吗?

Why not just convert the video to a sound file? 为什么不将视频转换为声音文件呢? I would also use the windows forms media element over the WPF due to it's flexibility and ability to handle poor quality video's better. 我还将在WPF上使用Windows Forms媒体元素,因为它具有灵活性和更好地处理质量差的视频的能力。

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