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Apple Mach-O链接器错误,找不到文件

[英]Apple mach-O linker error, file not found

This is the error I get: 这是我得到的错误:

ld: file not found: /Users/Tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DogiPad-ecwgmttugvxefyanpzmtfcovhaem/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Dog.app/Dog clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) ld:找不到文件:/Users/Tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DogiPad-ecwgmttugvxefyanpzmtfcovhaem/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Dog.app/Dog clang:错误:链接器命令失败,退出代码为1(使用- v查看调用)

I tried some solutions I found on google but nothing helped.. How to solve? 我尝试了一些在google上找到的解决方案,但无济于事。如何解决?

Your post does not contain sufficient information to determine what the problem is. 您的帖子没有足够的信息来确定问题所在。 You need to engage in standard troubleshooting techniques: 您需要从事标准的故障排除技术:

  • identify specific details implied by the error message but not explicitly stated: eg The message says a file isn't found, but not what file. 识别错误消息所隐含但未明确说明的特定详细信息:例如,该消息指出找不到文件,但找不到文件。 Identify the file in question. 确定有问题的文件。
  • follow the troubleshooting instructions given in the error message: "Use -v to see invocation" 按照错误消息中给出的故障排除说明进行操作:“使用-v查看调用”
  • Once you have the exact command that produces the error message, determine what the command is intended to do, what it's actually doing, what it should be doing, what pre-requisites the command depends on, and if, how, and where those pre-requisites are being met. 有了产生错误消息的确切命令后,请确定该命令将要执行的操作,实际正在执行的操作,应执行的操作,该命令所依赖的先决条件,以及执行这些命令的条件,条件,方式和位置。 -满足条件。

At this point troublshooting is simply a search problem: follow the links to other build steps to figure out what should be happening that isn't or what isn't happening that should be. 此时,故障排除只是一个搜索问题:按照指向其他构建步骤的链接来确定应该发生的情况或应该发生的情况。 The problem could be anywhere in the build process and you have to understand build processes well enough to know what should be happening and see how that's different from what is happening. 问题可能在构建过程中的任何地方,您必须充分了解构建过程以了解应该发生的情况,并了解与发生的情况有何不同。

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