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[英]Confusion with dup2(), exec() and pipes

I have been struggling to understand the concept involving the commands dup2() , exec() and pipes in conjunction. 我一直在努力理解包含命令dup2()exec()和管道的概念。

The thing I am trying to achieve: 我正在努力实现的目标:

Pipe the output of a program X to the input of a program Y. 将程序X的输出通过管道传递到程序Y的输入。

Something basic like who | sort 基本的东西,例如who | sort who | sort

with a parent and 2 children, where the children are responsible for executing the programs and the parent passing the programs to the children. 有一个父母和两个孩子,其中孩子负责执行程序,父母将程序传递给孩子。

Here is what I don't understand about pipes: 这是我对管道不了解的内容:

P1) Pipes are treated like files and should be unidirectional, but what prevents me from using one pipe for multiple unidirectional communication channels ? P1)管道就像文件一样对待,并且应该是单向的,但是是什么阻止了我将一个管道用于多个单向通信通道呢? So, let's say I have pipe1 and three processes ( P - parent - C1 , C2 , children) that have the pipe open by forking. 因此,假设我有pipe1和三个进程( P父级C1C2 ,子级),它们通过分支打开了管道。 All of these processes get to use the file descriptors. 所有这些过程都可以使用文件描述符。 Let's assume we are doing everything correctly, closing the unused pipe ends, P now writes something to C1 . 假设我们做的一切正确,关闭未使用的管道末端, P现在向C1写入内容。 What is the issue with using the pipe for communication between C1 and C2 again? 再次使用管道在C1C2之间进行通信有什么问题? Just while writing this question, an idea hit me: Is there an issue with who reads from it while many processes may have it open simultaneously (two processes are blocking to get a read), ie the system cannot say for sure who wants to read the buffered data written into it? 就在写这个问题的时候,一个主意打了我一个主意:在许多进程可能同时打开它的同时,谁来读它是否存在问题(两个进程正在阻塞以进行读取),即系统无法确定谁想读取它将缓冲的数据写入其中? If so, how is this implemented in the system ? 如果是这样,如何在系统中实现?

I really try to understand the concept, so please bear with me. 我真的很想理解这个概念,所以请多多包涵。

To apply this question into real life here is some pseudocode I am dealing with: 要将这个问题应用到现实生活中,这里是一些我正在处理的伪代码:

P: 病人:

  • P closes unneeded read end of pipe1 P关闭pipe1不需要的读取端
  • P sends program argument ('who') to C1 via pipe1 P通过pipe1将程序参数(“谁”)发送到C1
  • P closes write end P关闭写结束
  • P waits for children to exit P等待孩子们离开

C1: C1:

  • C1 reads the argument from the read end of pipe1 C1pipe1的读取端读取参数
  • C1 dup2() s the standard out to the write end of pipe1 C1 dup2()将标准输出到pipe1的写端
  • C1 closes both ends of pipe1 (because we duped it already) C1关闭pipe1两端(因为我们已经对其进行了欺骗)
  • C1 execvp() s the program ('who') C1 execvp()的程序(“谁”)

C2: C2:

  • C2 dup2() s read end of pipe1 to stdin so that it gets input for the program that will be executed C2 dup2()pipe1的读取端读取到stdin以便它获取将要执行的程序的输入
  • C2 closes both ends of pipe1 C2关闭pipe1两端
  • C2 waits for input on stdin of C1 from the dup ed pipe1 C2等待输入上stdinC1dup ED pipe1
  • C2 execvp() s program ('sort') with this input C2 execvp()的程序(“排序”)与此输入

Now, if I were to do it as described above, I would have no luck. 现在,如果我如上所述进行操作,我将没有运气。 However if I introduced another pipe pipe2 it looks something like this: 但是,如果我引入了另一个管道pipe2则它看起来像这样:
P: 病人:

  • P closes both ends of unneeded pipe pipe2 P关闭不需要的管的两端 pipe2
  • P closes unneeded read end of pipe1 P关闭pipe1不需要的读取端
  • P sends program argument ('who') to C1 via pipe1 P通过pipe1将程序参数(“谁”)发送到C1
  • P closes write end P关闭写结束
  • P waits for children to exit P等待孩子们离开

C1: C1:

  • C1 closes read end of pipe2 C1关闭pipe2读取端
  • C1 reads the argument from the read end of pipe1 C1pipe1的读取端读取参数
  • C1 dup2() s the standard out to the write end of pipe2 C1 dup2()将标准输出到pipe2的写端
  • C1 closes write end of pipe2 C1关闭pipe2写入端
  • C1 closes both ends of pipe1 -- with pipe2 , pipe1 redundant in this child C1关闭了pipe1两端-对于pipe2pipe1在此子pipe1多余的
  • C1 execvp() s the program ('who') C1 execvp()的程序(“谁”)

C2: C2:

  • C2 dup2() s read end of pipe2 to stdin C2 dup2()pipe2末尾读取到stdin
  • C2 closes both ends of pipe1 C2关闭pipe1两端
  • C2 waits for input on stdin of C1 from the dup ed pipe2 C2等待输入上stdinC1dup ED pipe2
  • C2 executes program sort with this input C2使用此输入执行程序sort

Is the assumption correct that pipes should not be reused in multiple processes because the system may not be sure whom to "serve" ? 这种假设是正确的,因为系统可能不确定要为谁服务,因此不应在多个过程中重用管道? Or is there any other reason for this ? 还是有其他原因吗?

Pipes are primarily designed for one-to-one communication — one writer, one reader. 管道主要是为一对一通信而设计的,即一位作家,一位读者。 While there is nothing that prevents having as many readers and writers as you want, the behavior often makes this not very usable, especially with multiple readers: 虽然没有什么可以阻止想要的读者和作家的数量,但是这种行为通常使它不太实用,尤其是对于多个读者:

  • Reading from a pipe is a destructive operation: each byte sent through the pipe will be read by exactly one of the readers, whoever grabs it first. 从管道读取是一种破坏性的操作:通过管道发送的每个字节都将由其中一个读取器(无论谁先抓住它)来读取。 If you want to broadcast some information, you need to either use a different IPC mechanism or explicitly replicate the data (like the tee command). 如果要广播某些信息,则需要使用其他IPC机制或显式复制数据(例如tee命令)。
  • If there are multiple writers, their writes are interspersed in a somewhat unpredictable way. 如果有多个作家,他们的作品将以某种无法预测的方式散布。 The only guarantee is that writes of size PIPE_BUF or less are atomic. 唯一的保证是大小为PIPE_BUF或更小的写操作是原子的。
  • If the number of writers drops to zero, the reader sees an end-of-file condition. 如果作者数量降至零,则读者会看到文件结束的情况。

In the architecture you're describing, you have two independent communication channels: P sends who to C1, and C1 sends the output of running the who command to C2. 在您描述的体系结构中,您有两个独立的通信通道:P将who发送到C1,C1将运行who命令的输出发送到C2。 In a shell script, that would be something similar to 在shell脚本中,这类似于

echo who | { read command; exec command; } | sort

with echo who executed in the original process rather than in a subshell. echo who在原始过程而不是在子shell中执行。

Your first proposal doesn't work because there's no way to say that the output of P will go to C1 and the output of C1 will go to C2. 您的第一个建议无效,因为没有办法说P的输出将到达C1,C1的输出将到达C2。 It's still the same pipe, so the output of P could go to C2 and the output of C1 could go back to itself, or it could be a mixture. 它仍然是同一条管道,因此P的输出可以转到C2,而C1的输出可以回到自身,或者可以是混合的。

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