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[英]Unable to set CEMarker's collisionPriority

I'm trying to "mimic" the BusinessLayer functionality by creating a CEMarkerGroup for my own markers, then setting the following: 我试图通过为自己的标记创建一个CEMarkerGroup来“模仿” BusinessLayer功能,然后设置以下内容:

CEMarkerGroup *myGroup = [self.mapView markerGroupWithName:@"myMarkers"];
[myGroup setShouldTestForCollisions:YES];

And then, according to the Citymaps' current documentation , I try to set individual collisionPriority values to each like this: 然后,根据Citymaps的当前文档 ,我尝试像这样分别为每个碰撞碰撞优先级值设置:

[marker setCollisionPriority:25.0f];   //<-- ERROR!!, or
marker.collisionPriority = 25.0f;      //<-- same ERROR
[myGroup addMarker:marker];

Error is: No visible @interface for 'CEMarker' declares the selector 'setCollisionPriority:' 错误是: No visible @interface for 'CEMarker' declares the selector 'setCollisionPriority:'

As my goal is to approximate Citymaps' very slick behavior of avoiding marker overlaps, does anyone know of a workaround for this issue, or perhaps another approach altogether? 由于我的目标是近似Citymaps避免标记重叠的非常光滑的行为,有人知道这个问题的解决方法,或者完全是另一种方法吗? Much thanks! 非常感谢!

I am a developer at Citymaps. 我是Citymaps的开发人员。 Thank you for your interest in our SDK! 感谢您对我们的SDK的关注!

Our documentation got a bit ahead of itself. 我们的文档领先一步。 Turns out, we never exposed the collisionPriority property. 事实证明,我们从未公开过crashPriority属性。 I've given myself a ticket to do so, and will let you know immediately when a new build is out containing this change. 我已给自己一张罚单,当有新版本包含此更改时,我会立即通知您。

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