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[英]image not following mouse on canvas

I am having trouble creating game on html canvas. 我在html画布上创建游戏时遇到问题。 The premise of the game is you have to catch the balloons before they hit the ground. 游戏的前提是您必须在气球掉落之前赶上气球。 I am having problems with the background of the canvas and the basket is not moving with the mouse. 我的画布背景出现问题,篮子没有用鼠标移动。

The background should be black and the basket should be following the mouse curser. 背景应该是黑色的,并且篮子应该紧跟着鼠标光标。

https://jsfiddle.net/pgkL09j7/8/ https://jsfiddle.net/pgkL09j7/8/


<title>Sean Coyne</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="home.css">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />

<body onload="start_game()">


<div id="logo"><img src="LogoComic.png" id="Logo"></div><br></br>

<div id="canvas">
    <canvas id="c" style="border:5px solid orange" height="500" width="500"></canvas>

    <p id="p1"></p>


        var balloon_x=100;
        var balloon_y=0;
        var basket_x=100;
        var basket_y=100;
        var points=0;

        //Background colour of canvas
        var c = document.getElementById("c");
        var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
        ctx.fillStyle = "#000";

        //Here is the event listener
        mycanv.addEventListener("mousemove",seenmotion, false);

        function seenmotion(e) {

        //This is the code for the mouse 
        //moving over the canvas.
        var bounding_box=c.getBoundingClientRect();
                basket_x=(e.clientX-bounding_box.left) *
                basket_y=(e.clientY-bounding_box.top) *

        function start_game() {
             setInterval(game_loop, 50);

        function game_loop() {
            // The code above is called every 50ms and is a 
            // frame-redraw-game-animation loop.

            c.width = c.width;

            // Below is the code that draws the objects

            // Below is the code that updates the balloons location
                if (balloon_x>c.width) {

            //Here is the collision detection code
            if (collision(balloon_x, balloon_y, basket_x, basket_y)) {
                    points -= 0.5;

            //Here is the code for the point system

            // and let's stick it in the top right. 
                var integerpoints=Math.floor(points); // make it into an integer
            ctx.font="bold 24px sans-serif ";
                ctx.fillText(integerpoints, c.width-50, 50);         

        context.clearRect ( 0 , 0 , 500, 500 );

        function collision(basket_x, basket_y, ball_x, ball_y) {
            if(balloon_y + 85 < basket_y) {
                return false;
            if (balloon_y > basket_y + 91) {
                return false;
            if (balloon_x + 80 < basket_x) {
                return false;
            if (balloon_x > basket_x + 80) {
                return false;

            return true;  

        // Code to stop the game when we're finished playing
        function stop_game() {


        //Code for the ball
        function draw_balloon(x,y) {
            var balloon_img=new Image();


        //Code for the basket
        function draw_basket(x,y) {
            var basket_img=new Image();






You have to change the variable for the mouselistener. 您必须更改mouselistener的变量。 So instead of 所以代替

mycanv.addEventListener("mousemove",seenmotion, false);

you have to write this 你必须写这个

c.addEventListener("mousemove",seenmotion, false);

This move the basket with the mouse, but the image isn't still right. 用鼠标移动篮子,但是图像仍然不正确。 You have to subtract half of width and height of the image from the x and y coordinate. 您必须从x和y坐标中减去图像宽度和高度的一半。 To fix your background you have to modify your CSS. 要修复背景,您必须修改CSS。 the article and the section tag have both full width/height und an own background. 文章和section标签的全角/全角以及自己的背景。 This shouldn't be to hard to fix, just change the background of #c to black. 这不应该很难解决,只需将#c的背景更改为黑色即可。

#c {
    background-color: black;

Here's the jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/pgkL09j7/10/ 这是jsfiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/pgkL09j7/10/

Visit http://www.w3schools.com/ for more information about CSS and JS. 有关CSS和JS的更多信息,请访问http://www.w3schools.com/ Also the code can be more easier and structured. 同样,代码可以更容易和更结构化。

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