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[英]Python: How to turn two for-statements into one?

I'm trying to parse a web table and export certain data into a csv file. 我正在尝试解析Web表并将某些数据导出到csv文件中。

I'm ignorant to forming two XPaths followed by a single for-statement (or maybe two is correct?). 我不知道要形成两个XPath,然后是一个for-statement(或者两个是正确的?)。

Current Spider: 当前蜘蛛:

class MySpider(BaseSpider):
    symbols = ["SCMP"]
    name =  "dozen"
    allowed_domains = ["yahoo.com"]     
    start_urls = ["http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=SCMP&annual"]

    def parse(self, response):
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
        revenue = response.xpath('//td[@align="right"]/strong/text()')
        date = response.xpath('//tr[@class="yfnc_modtitle1"]/th/text()')
        items = []
        for rev in revenue:
            item = DozenItem()
            item["Revenue"] = rev.re('\d*,\d*')
        return items[:3]
        days = []
        for day in dates:
            item = DozenItem()
            item["Date"] = day.re('\d*')
        return items[:3]

I know this needs work, I'm just not sure which direction to go...? 我知道这需要工作,我只是不确定要走哪个方向......?

This is the output: 这是输出:


As is visible, I can't get the dates to fill in. 可见,我无法填写日期。

Here is the html I'm parsing the dates from: 这是我正在解析日期的html:

<TR class="yfnc_modtitle1" style="border-top:none;">

<th scope="col" style="border-top:2px solid #000;text-align:right; font-weight:bold">Dec 31, 2014</th>

<th scope="col" style="border-top:2px solid #000;text-align:right; font-weight:bold">Dec 31, 2013</th>
<th scope="col" style="border-top:2px solid #000;text-align:right; font-weight:bold">Dec 31, 2012</th>
<td colspan="2">
for rev, day in zip(revenue, dates):
    pass # code here
class MySpider(BaseSpider):
    symbols = ["SCMP"]
    name =  "dozen"
    allowed_domains = ["yahoo.com"]     
    start_urls = ["http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=SCMP&annual"]

    def parse(self, response):
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
        revenue = response.xpath('//td[@align="right"]/strong/text()')
        date = response.xpath('//tr[@class="yfnc_modtitle1"]/th/text()')
        items = []
        for rev, day in zip(revenue, dates):
            item = DozenItem()
            item["Revenue"] = rev.re('\d*,\d*')
            item["Date"] = day.re('\d*')
        return items[:3]

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