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在 Mips 程序集中打印寄存器值

[英]Printing register value in Mips assembly

I have the following code and I am trying to print an int value:我有以下代码,我正在尝试打印一个 int 值:

addi    $t0, $v0, 0             # add immediate: copy returned value to $t0 by adding 0
li      $v0, 1                  # syscall 1 (print_int)
sw      $t0, 0($a0)             # store word: supply argument: recorded return value from $t0
syscall                         # syscall: print the int

But it gives error at runtime, how could I fix it?但它在运行时出错,我该如何解决?

$a0 should contain the value to print, not the pointer to it. $a0 应该包含要打印的值,而不是指向它的指针。 Instead of addi/sw, assign $v0 to $a0.将 $v0 分配给 $a0,而不是 addi/sw。 I'm assuming $v0 has initially the value to print;我假设 $v0 最初具有打印价值; it's not obvious from the question.从问题上看并不明显。

Meanwhile, $v0 should have the syscall number, 1 in this case.同时,$v0 应该有系统调用号,在本例中为 1。

Since you probably don't initialize $a0 to a valid memory address, the program tries to write to a bogus memory location and predictably crashes.由于您可能没有将 $a0 初始化为有效的内存地址,因此程序会尝试写入一个虚假的内存位置并可能会崩溃。

you can just move that value in $a0你可以在$a0移动该值

li $t0,13

li $v0,1

move $a0,$t0


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