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[英]Ajax call to consume rest service on local host

Hi I have written a rest service using the Spring framework Below is the code. 嗨,我已经使用Spring框架编写了rest服务。下面是代码。 It returns Json appropriately. 它适当地返回Json。

@RequestMapping(value="/showProcessUsage/" ,method=RequestMethod.GET)
public SystemProcessInfo getASingleProcessInfo()

    String processName="chrome" //hard coded just for trials;       
    SystemProcessInfo processInfo ;
    processInfo = processInfoService.getASingleProcessUsage(processName);
    return processInfo;

In the Html I am trying to make an ajax call, but it is failing below is the call 在HTML中,我正在尝试进行ajax调用,但以下操作失败了

        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        headers: {
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
        url: "/PerformanceMonitor/showProcessUsage/",
        success: function(data){        

There a number of code issues where it could fail: 可能会失败的代码有很多:

First, Your rest service endpoint expects a 首先,您的休息服务端点期望


which I don't think you are passing in the AJAX call. 我认为您没有通过AJAX调用。

try with the following line 尝试以下行

url: "/PerformanceMonitor/showProcessUsage/xyz-process"

Secondly, your Spring controller method should contain the pathVariable defined in the annotation: 其次,您的Spring控制器方法应包含在注释中定义的pathVariable:


For debugging: 用于调试:

put an error block in your ajax call. 在ajax调用中放置一个错误块。

error: function(response){ 

Thee js file for jquery that I included was corrupt .. I tried using the google cdn for jquery and it worked fine for me. 我包含的jquery的js文件已损坏..我尝试将Google cdn用于jquery,它对我来说效果很好。 Thanks for your time :) 谢谢你的时间 :)

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