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在ubuntu上部署laravel 5,获得白页

[英]Deploying laravel 5 on ubuntu , getting white page

I am trying to get my application online by following this guide : 我正在按照以下指南尝试将我的应用程序联机:

I am hosting with : www.ovh.com 我通过以下网站托管:www.ovh.com

I changed "sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/laravel/app/storage" to "sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/laravel/storage" as you should for laravel5 我将laravel5更改为“ sudo chmod -R 775 / var / www / laravel / app / storage”,将其更改为“ sudo chmod -R 775 / var / www / laravel / storage”。

and when I pull my repo from github, and go to my website adress I get a white page. 当我从github提取仓库时,转到我的网站地址,我得到一个白页。

I pulled it into /var/www/laravel 我将其拉入/ var / www / laravel

What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么?

In Ubtuntu you will find the error_log at /var/log/apache2 . 在Ubtuntu中,您将在/ var / log / apache2中找到error_log。 This must give you information of what is happening and how to fix it. 这必须给您有关正在发生的事情以及如何解决它的信息。

If you have correct permissions then usually it has been related to some Laravel dependency missing. 如果您具有正确的权限,那么通常它与缺少一些Laravel依赖关系有关。

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