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“安装Apple Watch应用程序从未完成”将Watch kit应用程序部署到设备时出错

[英]“Install of Apple Watch Application never finished” Error when deploying watch kit app to device

So I got my new watch (yay!). 所以我得到了我的新手表(耶!)。 I manually added its UDID to the developer portal and refreshed the provisioning profiles and I was able to push an archive to ITC for testing but now I want to run the app in debug on my watch itself. 我手动将其UDID添加到开发人员门户并刷新了配置文件,我能够将存档推送到ITC进行测试,但现在我想在我的手表本身上运行调试应用程序。

I try deploying the watch kit app target set to my phone as the device and it sits there and runs/ churns for a while and nothing happens. 我尝试将手表套件app目标设置为我的手机作为设备,它就坐在那里并运行/搅拌一段时间没有任何反应。

If I wait long enough, Xcode eventually errors with 如果我等待足够长的时间,Xcode最终会出错

"Install of Apple Watch Application never finished" “安装Apple Watch应用程序从未完成” Xcode错误

Has anyone run across this or know of any tricks I can try? 有没有人碰到这个或知道我可以尝试的任何技巧?

I keep running into this as well with Xcode 7 beta and iOS 9 / watchOS 2 simulators. 我一直在使用Xcode 7 beta和iOS 9 / watchOS 2模拟器。

One solution that worked for me was to reset and restart both simulators, but it didn't work reliably. 一个对我有用的解决方案是重置和重启两个模拟器,但它不能可靠地工作。 So I tried some other things, and what eventually started to work reliably for me was: 所以我尝试了其他一些东西,最终开始可靠地为我工作的是:

  1. Go to the "Apple Watch" companion app on the iOS simulator. 转到iOS模拟器上的“Apple Watch”伴侣应用程序。
  2. Click your app's name. 单击您的应用程序名称。
  3. Toggle "Show App on Apple Watch" switch as shown in the screenshot below. 切换“在Apple Watch上显示应用程序”开关,如下面的屏幕截图所示。 (turn it off, and back on again) (关闭它,然后重新开启)
  4. Run the app again from Xcode. 从Xcode再次运行应用程序。


Well with much testing and fooling around, I was able to fix the problem. 经过多次测试和愚弄,我能够解决问题。

There was a mix of the error above as well as the usual verification error. 上面的错误和通常的验证错误混合在一起。

I had to double check and triple check that all 3 of the developer provisioning profiles for watch ext, watch app, and the app were up to date with the updated Watch UDID device. 我不得不仔细检查并重新检查监视器分机,监视应用程序和应用程序的所有3个开发人员配置文件是否与更新的Watch UDID设备保持同步。

Note: For debugging watch apps, I have found that you seem to have to select to run the app from your watch and then the debugger will trigger 注意:对于调试监视应用程序,我发现您似乎必须选择从手表运行应用程序,然后调试器将触发

I had this problem with the simulator. 我有模拟器这个问题。 I solved it by resetting both simulators (File/"Reset Content and Settings..."). 我通过重置两个模拟器(文件/“重置内容和设置......”)解决了这个问题。 Not sure if I had to be that drastic... deleting the app may have worked also, restarting the simulator didn't. 不确定我是否必须那么激烈...删除应用程序可能也有效,重新启动模拟器没有。

I had this same problem, but for different reasons when developing with Xcode 7 and iOS 9. 我有同样的问题,但在使用Xcode 7和iOS 9进行开发时有不同的原因。

If this helps for anyone developing their WatchKit Extension (not watchOS 2.0 app stand alone) with Xcode 7 beta (and iOS 9) and they wish to test on their actual Watch, I had to make sure the WatchKit App Device Id (on the Apple Dev Portal) AND the Xcode target had App Groups enabled. 如果这有助于任何人开发他们的WatchKit扩展(不是看看OS 2.0应用程序独立)与Xcode 7 beta(和iOS 9),他们希望测试他们的实际手表,我必须确保WatchKit应用程序设备ID(在Apple上)开发门户网站)和Xcode目标已启用应用程序组。

This is different. 这是不同的。 Perviously just the Watch Extension required App Groups enabled. 实际上,Watch Extension需要启用应用程序组。

My WatchKit app DEV provisioning profile also, of course, had to have the UUID of the watch used in development. 当然,我的WatchKit应用程序DEV配置文件也必须具有开发中使用的手表的UUID。

I had similar issue on a physical device. 我在物理设备上遇到了类似的问题。 I fixed this by restart apple watch. 我通过重启苹果手表修复此问题。

To do this just long press a button on right side of watch and select "Power off" from screen and after that next long press on right side button. 要做到这一点,只需长按手表右侧的按钮,然后从屏幕上选择“关闭电源”,然后再按下右侧按钮。

I had the exact issue, and after trying different combinations, I was able to resolve this issue. 我有确切的问题,在尝试不同的组合后,我能够解决这个问题。

Below is list of items you need to check before you debug your Watch App on Simulator: 以下是在模拟器上调试Watch App之前需要检查的项目列表:

  1. Make sure that the Bundle Identifier of your WatchKit App and WatchKit Extension is set properly and you have selected proper provisioning profile and certificates for both. 确保正确设置了WatchKit App和WatchKit Extension的Bundle Identifier,并为两者选择了适当的配置文件和证书。

  2. The Bundle Identifier of your 'WatchKit extension' should contain the Bundle identifier of your 'WatchKit App'. “WatchKit扩展”的Bundle Identifier应包含“WatchKit App”的Bundle标识符。 For example if your 'WatchKit App' has bundle identifier as 'com.example.watchkitapp', then your 'WatchKit Extension's' bundle identifier should be 'com.example.watchkitapp.watchkitextension' 例如,如果您的'WatchKit App'的包标识符为'com.example.watchkitapp',则您的'WatchKit Extension'的包标识符应为'com.example.watchkitapp.watchkitextension'

  3. Make sure your Watch App & Extension has Version Number same as your iPhone app. 确保您的Watch App&Extension版本号与您的iPhone应用程序相同。

I hope the above steps will help you resolve your issue. 我希望上述步骤可以帮助您解决问题。

Happy Coding :) 快乐编码:)

I had this problem and solve it by turning 'Keychain sharing' off in Project->Target->Capabilities. 我有这个问题并通过在Project-> Target-> Capabilities中关闭'Keychain sharing'来解决它。


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