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ASP Textbox控件占位符属性在Internet Explorer中不起作用

[英]ASP Textbox control placeholder property doesn't work in Internet Explorer

I'm using the framework of Materialize from materializecss.com . 我正在使用来自materializecss.comMaterialize框架。 The placeholder for the textbox isn't working on IE, I think the framework has something to do with this because from my other page I tried using bootstrap framework, and the placeholder property worked, is there any solution for me to make the placeholder property work on the Materialize framework? 文本框的占位符在IE上不起作用,我认为该框架与此有关,因为在我尝试使用引导框架的其他页面中, 占位符属性起作用了,对于我来说,有没有解决方案可以使占位符属性在Materialise框架上工作?

<div class="row">
  <div class="input-field col s10">
     <asp:TextBox ID="txtCompany" runat="server" Visible="false" placeholder="Company Name" ></asp:TextBox>                  
  <div class="input-field col s2">
     <asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save" CssClass="btn waves-effect waves-red" OnClick="btnSave_Click" Visible="false" />

You need to add onfocus and onblur property in your textbox for working it in Internet Explorer 您需要在文本框中添加onfocusonblur属性,才能在Internet Explorer

Here you go 干得好

<div class="input-field col s10">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtCompany" runat="server" value="Company Name" placeholder="Company Name" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value=this.defaultValue;"></asp:TextBox>

Placeholder text for form elements was never implemented for IE9, Placeholder support was added in IE10 . 从未为IE9实现表单元素的占位符文本, 在IE10中添加了占位符支持

You can either use 您可以使用

HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin - by Mathias Bynens (a collaborator on HTML5 Boilerplate and jsPerf) HTML5占位符jQuery插件-Mathias Bynens(HTML5 Boilerplate和jsPerf的合作者)

https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder

Demo & Examples 演示与范例

http://mathiasbynens.be/demo/placeholder http://mathiasbynens.be/demo/placeholder

or you can use the code below to do the same think without jquery. 或者您可以使用下面的代码在没有jquery的情况下进行同样的思考。 This code was taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9109448/394381 written by "Mark Rhodes" 此代码取自“马克·罗德斯”(Mark Rhodes)撰写的https://stackoverflow.com/a/9109448/394381


     "use strict";

     //shim for String's trim function..
     function trim(string){
         return string.trim ? string.trim() : string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

     //returns whether the given element has the given class name..
     function hasClassName(element, className){ 
         //refactoring of Prototype's function..
         var elClassName = element.className;
             return false;
         var regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)");
         return regex.test(element.className);

     function removeClassName(element, className){
         //refactoring of Prototype's function..
         var elClassName = element.className;
         element.className = elClassName.replace(
             new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ');

     function addClassName(element, className){
         var elClassName = element.className;
             element.className += " " + className;
             element.className = className;

     //strings to make event attachment x-browser.. 
     var addEvent = document.addEventListener ?
            'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent';
     var eventPrefix = document.addEventListener ? '' : 'on';

     //the class which is added when the placeholder is being used..
     var placeHolderClassName = 'usingPlaceHolder';

     //allows the given textField to use it's placeholder attribute
     //as if it's functionality is supported natively..
     window.placeHolder = function(textField){

         //don't do anything if you get it for free..
         if('placeholder' in document.createElement('input'))

         //don't do anything if the place holder attribute is not
         //defined or is blank..
         var placeHolder = textField.getAttribute('placeholder');        

         //if it's just the empty string do nothing..
         placeHolder = trim(placeHolder);
         if(placeHolder === '')

         //called on blur - sets the value to the place holder if it's empty..
         var onBlur = function(){
             if(textField.value !== '') //a space is a valid input..
             textField.value = placeHolder;
             addClassName(textField, placeHolderClassName);

         //the blur event..
         textField[addEvent](eventPrefix + 'blur', onBlur, false);

         //the focus event - removes the place holder if required..
         textField[addEvent](eventPrefix + 'focus', function(){
             if(hasClassName(textField, placeHolderClassName)){
                removeClassName(textField, placeHolderClassName);
                textField.value = "";
         }, false);

         //the submit event on the form to which it's associated - if the
         //placeholder is attached set the value to be empty..
         var form = textField.form;
             form[addEvent](eventPrefix + 'submit', function(){
                 if(hasClassName(textField, placeHolderClassName))
                     textField.value = '';
            }, false);

         onBlur(); //call the onBlur to set it initially..


For each text field you want to use it for you need to run placeHolder(HTMLInputElement) 对于要使用它的每个文本字段,需要运行placeHolder(HTMLInputElement)

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