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[英]Zend_Db - How to use results from Zend_Db_Table_Select

I'm forced to work with the Zend-Framework in my current project, but I'm stuck at a specific point. 在当前项目中,我不得不使用Zend-Framework,但是我只能停留在特定的位置。 Unfortunately, the documentation of the framework is horrible and doesn't really help me at the moment. 不幸的是,该框架的文档太糟糕了,目前对我没有任何帮助。 The solution is probably extremely easy, but i can't figure it out on my own. 该解决方案可能非常简单,但我无法自行解决。

I'm just trying to get something from my database, which i try to achieve with this code: 我只是想从我的数据库中获取一些东西,我尝试使用以下代码来实现:

BS_Model_Subshops.php: BS_Model_Subshops.php:

class BS_Model_Subshops extends BS_Lib_Model
    protected $_name = 'shops';
    protected $_username = '';
    protected $_password = '';
    protected $_primary = 'id';

LoginController.php: LoginController.php:

public function authAction() {
    $shop= new BS_Model_Subshops();
    $id= filter_var($this->getRequest()->getPost('id'));
    $db_content= $shop->select()->where('id= '.$id);

    ... more code ...

This gives me the following object as a result (warning: Huge object incoming): 结果,我得到以下对象(警告:传入大量对象):

object(Zend_Db_Table_Select)#85 (7) {
["_info":protected] => array(10) {
    ["schema"] => NULL
    ["name"] => string(5) "shops"
    ["cols"] => array(8) {
        [0] => string(2) "id"
      [1] => string(4) "name"
      [2] => string(8) "css_path"
      [3] => string(3) "mmz"
      [4] => string(17) "order_information"
      [5] => string(11) "code_suffix"
    ["primary"] => array(1) {
        [1] => string(2) "id"
    ["metadata"] => array(8) {
        ["id"] => array(14) {
            ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(5) "shops"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(2) "id"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(1)
            ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(3) "int"
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
            ["LENGTH"] => NULL
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => bool(true)
            ["PRIMARY"] => bool(true)
            ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => int(1)
            ["IDENTITY"] => bool(true)
      ["name"] => array(14) {
            ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(5) "shops"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(4) "name"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(2)
            ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(7) "varchar"
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
            ["LENGTH"] => string(2) "60"
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => NULL
        ["PRIMARY"] => bool(false)
            ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => NULL
        ["IDENTITY"] => bool(false)
      ["css_path"] => array(14) {
            ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(5) "shops"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(8) "css_path"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(3)
            ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(7) "varchar"
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
            ["LENGTH"] => string(3) "100"
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => NULL
        ["PRIMARY"] => bool(false)
            ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => NULL
        ["IDENTITY"] => bool(false)
      ["mmz"] => array(14) {
            ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(5) "shops"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(3) "mmz"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(4)
            ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(14) "float unsigned"
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
            ["LENGTH"] => NULL
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => bool(true)
            ["PRIMARY"] => bool(false)
            ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => NULL
        ["IDENTITY"] => bool(false)
      ["order_information"] => array(14) {
            ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(5) "shops"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(17) "order_information"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(5)
            ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(4) "text"
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
            ["LENGTH"] => NULL
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => NULL
        ["PRIMARY"] => bool(false)
            ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => NULL
        ["IDENTITY"] => bool(false)
      ["code_suffix"] => array(14) {
            ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(5) "shops"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(11) "code_suffix"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(6)
            ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(7) "varchar"
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
            ["LENGTH"] => string(1) "6"
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => NULL
        ["PRIMARY"] => bool(false)
            ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => NULL
        ["IDENTITY"] => bool(false)
  ... more unimportant stuff here ...

Now, for example, i just want the name or the css path. 现在,例如,我只想要名称或CSS路径。 How can i get one of those? 我如何获得其中之一? I'm not really familiar with Zend, even though I worked with laravel before, and I just have huge problems with understanding it since it's so complex and doesn't have a good documentation with examples. 尽管我以前曾与laravel一起工作,但我对Zend并不是很熟悉,并且由于它是如此复杂且没有示例的良好文档,因此我在理解它方面遇到了很大的问题。

The Webserver uses PHP 5.4 and Zend-Framework 1.9 if that's important. 如果重要的话,Web服务器将使用PHP 5.4和Zend-Framework 1.9。

You can use fetchAll to get the name or the css path 您可以使用fetchAll来获取名称或CSS路径

Try below code. 尝试下面的代码。

public function authAction() {
    $shop= new BS_Model_Subshops();
    $id= filter_var($this->getRequest()->getPost('id'));
    $db_content = $shop->select()->where('id= '.$id);
    $result = $db_content->query()->fetchAll();
    foreach($result as $key=>$value){   
        echo "Name : ". $value->name;
        echo "</br>";
        echo "Css Path : ". $value->css_path;

    ... more code ...

you can also use toArray method of the rowset object to retrieving a rowset as an Array. 您还可以使用rowset对象的toArray方法将一个rowset检索为一个Array。

$result = $db_content->query()->fetchAll();
$row_array = $result->toArray();

Regards, 问候,

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