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[英]Is there a way to tell Autofixture to only set properties with a specific attribute?

I use Unity for dependency injection, and in a few places I use property injection (with the [Dependency] attribute) rather than constructor injection. 我使用Unity进行依赖注入,在一些地方我使用属性注入(使用[Dependency]属性)而不是构造函数注入。

I'd like to use AutoFixture as a mocking container for my unit tests, but by default it sets all public properties on the system under test. 我想将AutoFixture用作单元测试的模拟容器,但默认情况下它会设置被测系统上的所有公共属性。 I know I can explicitly exclude specific properties, but is there a way to include only properties that have the [Dependency] attribute? 我知道我可以明确地排除特定属性,但有没有办法只包含具有[Dependency]属性的属性?

This works: 这有效:

public class PropertyBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
    public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
        var pi = request as PropertyInfo;
        if (pi != null)
            if (pi.IsDefined(typeof (DependencyAttribute)))
                return context.Resolve(pi.PropertyType);

            //"hey, don't set this property"
            return new OmitSpecimen();

        //"i don't know how to handle this request - go ask some other ISpecimenBuilder"
        return new NoSpecimen(request);

fixture.Customizations.Add(new PropertyBuilder());

Test case: 测试用例:

public class DependencyAttribute : Attribute

public class TestClass
    public string With { get; set; }

    public string Without { get; set; }

public void OnlyPropertiesWithDependencyAttributeAreResolved()
    // Fixture setup
    var fixture = new Fixture
        Customizations = {new PropertyBuilder()}
    // Exercise system
    var sut = fixture.Create<TestClass>();
    // Verify outcome

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