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Azure Active Directory用户(类型=具有现有用户帐户的用户)Json到列表模型的值为空

[英]Azure Active Directory Users (type=User with an existing user account) Json to List Model is giving null

I want to deserialize Json result into a model. 我想将Json结果反序列化为模型。 I am using Azure Single sign on method. 我正在使用Azure单一登录方法。 when I am login with new new created user in ad (new user in your organization) i am getting proper user info. 当我用广告中新创建的新用户(您单位中的新用户)登录时,我得到了正确的用户信息。 but if i created new user in AzureAd with "User with an existing user account".I am able to log in and request is also authenticated. 但是,如果我使用“使用现有用户帐户的用户”在AzureAd中创建了新用户。我可以登录并验证请求。 but i am not getting user profile. 但是我没有用户资料。 user profile is null. 用户个人资料为空。 but "responseString" contains all values for user. 但是“ responseString”包含用户的所有值。 can any one help me for that ? 有人可以帮我吗?

UserProfile profile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserProfile>(responseString);

public class UserProfile
    public string DisplayName { get; set; }
    public string GivenName { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }


User with an existing user account 具有现有用户帐户的用户


{"odata.type":"Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User","objectType":"User","objectId":"****************","accountEnabled":true,"assignedLicenses":[],"assignedPlans":[],"city":null,"country":null,"department":null,"dirSyncEnabled":null,"displayName":"Education at AzureTeam","facsimileTelephoneNumber":null,"givenName":"Education","jobTitle":null,"lastDirSyncTime":null,"mail":null,"mailNickname":"education_azureteam.com#EXT#","mobile":null,"otherMails":["education@azureteam.com"],"passwordPolicies":null,"passwordProfile":null,"physicalDeliveryOfficeName":null,"postalCode":null,"preferredLanguage":null,"provisionedPlans":[],"provisioningErrors":[],"proxyAddresses":[],"state":null,"streetAddress":null,"surname":"at AzureTeam","telephoneNumber":null,"usageLocation":null,"userPrincipalName":"education_azureteam.com#EXT#@AzureteamLoginTest.onmicrosoft.com"},

New user in organization


You actually get different JSON's. 您实际上得到了不同的JSON。 I simplified them to show the problem. 我简化了它们以显示问题。 For new user JSON looks like that: 对于新用户,JSON如下所示:


Deserialization will work with your model. 反序列化将与您的模型一起使用。 But for existing user JSON is: 但是对于现有用户,JSON是:

    {  },
    {  }

As you can see you have a value property that holds an array of users. 如您所见,您具有一个value属性,该属性包含一个用户数组。 So to be able to deserialize it you will need to create new model: 因此,要进行反序列化,您将需要创建新模型:

public class RootObject
    public List<UserProfile> Value { get; set; }

And then: 接着:

var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);

I'm not similar with Azure Active Directory but you should check why odata.metadata property is different for these responses. 我与Azure Active Directory不同,但是您应该检查为什么这些响应的odata.metadata属性不同。

I got the saluting :) 我得到了敬礼:)

Add this block in your global.asax 在您的global.asax中添加此块

protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    ClaimsIdentity id = ((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity);
    Claim claim = id.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Email);
    if (claim != null)
        string email = claim.Value;
        id.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, email));

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