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[英]MongoDB updates with java driver version 3.0

I'm migrating my aplications to MongoDb 3.0.2. 我正在将我的应用程序迁移到MongoDb 3.0.2。 I have no problems with inserts, finds and deletes. 我没有插入,查找和删除的问题。 But,Problems with the update. 但是,更新问题。 Specially with the eq() . 特别是与eq()

In this sentence: 在这句话中:

coll.updateOne(eq("_id", id), new Document("$set", new Document("name", name)));

The id variable is defined ObjectId . id变量定义为ObjectId Eclipse gives me an error: Eclipse给了我一个错误:

The method eq(String, ObjectId) is undefined for the type SystemDAO (my java class). 对于SystemDAO (我的java类) 类型,方法eq(String,ObjectId)是未定义的

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? I followed the examples in the Mongo java driver documents. 我按照Mongo java驱动程序文档中的示例进行操作。

you need to import the static method eq from the package com.mongodb.client.model.Filters . 您需要从com.mongodb.client.model.Filters包中导入静态方法eq

add this infront of your class to your other imports: 将此类前面的内容添加到其他导入中:

import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*;

In Eclipse it should give a quick-fix to import the right package if you do a mouse over on your error. 在Eclipse中,如果您将鼠标悬停在错误上,它应该快速修复以导入正确的包。 But for static imports this does not work all the time. 但对于静态导入,这并不是一直有效。

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