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如何在Gradle Android中禁用dex日志记录?

[英]How to disable dex logging in Gradle Android?

Usually I turn on --info to see proguardRelease 's output or to see why a certain task did or didn't execute. 通常,我打开--info来查看proguardRelease的输出或查看为什么某个任务执行或未执行。

When I run assembleRelease with --info I get a huge spam from dexRelease containing thousands of lines like: 当我用--info运行assembleRelease ,我从dexRelease那里收到了大量垃圾邮件, dexRelease包含数千行,例如:

processing archive I:\build\intermediates\classes-proguard\release\classes.jar...
processing android/support/v7/appcompat/R.class...
ignored resource META-INF/LICENSE.txt
processing android/support/v4/app/Fragment.class...

I think those lines should be --debug level, but I don't know how to modify that. 我认为这些行应为--debug级,但我不知道如何修改。 I'd like to have all other output as usual, but ignore the spam from dexRelease . 我希望像往常一样具有所有其他输出,但是忽略dexRelease的垃圾邮件。

I finally found a way to disable the dex output and just that (Android Gradle Plugin ~1.2): 我终于找到了一种禁用dex输出的方法,仅此而已(Android Gradle插件〜1.2):

import com.android.build.gradle.api.ApplicationVariant;
import com.android.builder.core.AndroidBuilder;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

afterEvaluate {
    project.android.applicationVariants.all { ApplicationVariant variant ->
        if (!variant.dex) return;
        Field v = AndroidBuilder.class.getDeclaredField("mVerboseExec")
        v.accessible = true

        boolean originalVerbose;
        variant.dex.doFirst {
            originalVerbose = v.get(variant.androidBuilder)
            v.set(variant.androidBuilder, false)
        variant.dex.doLast {
            v.set(variant.androidBuilder, originalVerbose)

It's a little hacky (reflection), but I found no public API to do this becuase the mVerboseExec value is initialized in the initialization phrase and the value is cached. 这有点怪癖(反思),但是我发现没有公共API可以执行此操作,因为mVerboseExec值已在初始化短语中进行了初始化,并且已缓存了该值。

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