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[英]Cucumber feature cannot detect the relative path in eclipse

I have created a project in eclipse Kepler using cucumber and junit runner. 我已经使用黄瓜和junit运行器在eclipse Kepler中创建了一个项目。 Also I am using log4j.properties file placed under config folder in my project. 另外,我正在使用放在项目的config文件夹下的log4j.properties文件。 Log4j property configuration is defined as below in Base class. Log4j属性配置在下面的基类中定义。


Profile.feature Profile.feature

Feature: This is a profile feature
  Scenario: this is the first scenario for Profile page
  Given I open Naukri app
  When I tap on "Profile Image"
  Then The toolbar shows "User Profile"

RunnerTest.java RunnerTest.java

        format = { "pretty", "html:target/html/", "json:target/json/output.json"},  
        features = "src/test/features",
        glue = "com.stepsdefination",
        tags = {"@Testing"}
public class RunnerTest {


Now When i run the Profile.feature file in eclipse it shows - 现在,当我在Eclipse中运行Profile.feature文件时,它显示-

java.io.FileNotFoundException: config\\log4j.properties (The system cannot find the path specified) java.io.FileNotFoundException:config \\ log4j.properties(系统找不到指定的路径)

But when I directly run the RunnerTest.java file then it works perfect. 但是当我直接运行RunnerTest.java文件时,它可以完美运行。

Why my feature file is not taking the relative path. 为什么我的特征文件没有采用相对路径。 It work when I hard code the file location like 'D:\\Project\\Workspace\\DemoCucumer\\config\\log4j.properties'. 当我对“ D:\\ Project \\ Workspace \\ DemoCucumer \\ config \\ log4j.properties”之类的文件位置进行硬编码时,它可以工作。 It not possible to change the file path every-time when location is changed. 位置更改后,不可能每次都更改文件路径。

Project Structure: 项目结构:

>config > log4j.properties

I have installed and downloaded all plugin related to cucumber in eclipse. 我已经在Eclipse中安装并下载了与黄瓜相关的所有插件。

You need to define your configuration file as a resource: 您需要将配置文件定义为资源:

If your project is a Maven project, you need to have a directory called src/main/resources and move the entire "config" directory in there. 如果您的项目是Maven项目,则需要有一个名为src/main/resources目录,并将整个“ config”目录移到该目录中。

In Eclipse, right-click on the resources directory, and select Build Path > Use as Source Folder. 在Eclipse中,右键单击resources目录,然后选择“构建路径”>“用作源文件夹”。 The decorator on the folder icon will change! 文件夹图标上的装饰器将更改!

In your code, to retrieve the file, you need something like: 在代码中,要检索文件,您需要类似以下内容:

URL res = getClass().getResource("/config/log4j.properties");
Assert.assertNotNull("Your resources are not configured correctly!", res);
File f = new File(res.getFile());

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