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[英]how to get all product collection using product name like and price ascending in magento?

I have different affiliate products with almost same name in database, how can we do a price comparison of those products in product details page? 我在数据库中有几乎相同名称的不同联盟产品,我们如何在产品详细信息页面中对这些产品进行价格比较? Can anyone help me with the shortest way? 谁能以最短的方式帮助我?

I tried this 我试过了

$product_id = Mage::registry('current_product')->getId();

$obj = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');

$_product = $obj->load($product_id);

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection(); 

$collection->addAttributeToFilter('name', ['like' => $_product->getName().'%']);

That seems like a good way to go about it to me, but you could probably simplify your code to just: 对我来说,这似乎是个好方法,但是您可以将代码简化为:

$_product = Mage::registry('current_product');
$_collection = $_product->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('name', ['like' => $_product->getName() . '%']);

Finally, the code below is working for me: 最后,以下代码对我有用:

$productName = Mage::registry('current_product')->getName();

$categoryId = Mage::registry('current_product')->getCategoryId();

$manufacturerId = Mage::registry('current_product')->getManufacturer();

$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId); 

$productslist = $products->getProductCollection()                       
->addAttributeToFilter('name', ['like' => $productName . '%'])
->setOrder('price', 'ASC');

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