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[英]spring integration sftp with reactor

This question is sort of continuation of a previous question that I posted. 这个问题是我之前发布的问题的延续。 I wanted to create a github project to confirm the behavior and possibly figure out some kind of resolution. 我想创建一个github项目来确认行为并可能找出某种解决方案。 Here is the github project 这是github项目

Spring support for reactor seems to be included in reactor 2.x versions and spring integration sftp uses 1.1.4 version of reactor and references a StringUtils class which has been moved to a different package in reactor 2+ versions. 对反应堆的弹簧支持似乎包含在反应堆2.x版本中,而弹簧集成sftp使用的是反应堆1.1.4版本,并引用了StringUtils类,该类已移至反应堆2+版本中的其他程序包中。

It seems that this version conflict is simply unavoidable until its resolved in SI 4.2 so I am hoping to get some suggestions on how I can use reactor 1.1.4 and recreate the same/similar reactor configuration as I have with spring reactor support (in this project). 在SI 4.2中解决之前,似乎根本无法避免该版本冲突,因此我希望就如何使用反应堆1.1.4并重新创建与弹簧反应堆支持相同/相似的反应堆配置提出一些建议(在本示例中)项目)。 This way SI sftp will work too. 这样,SI sftp也将起作用。

Try reactor 2.0.0.RELEASE work was done on 2.0 to make the packages/maven coordinates orthogonal so both versions can coexist on the classpath. 尝试使用2.0.0.RELEASE在2.0上完成工作,以使包/ Maven坐标正交,以便两个版本可以共存于类路径。

I am not sure if the work was complete by milestone 2. 我不确定工作是否在里程碑2之前完成。

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