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[英]How to get a list of all non imported names in a Python module?

Given a module containing : 给定一个模块包含:

import stuff
from foo import Foo
from bar import *

CST = True

def func(): pass

How can I define a function get_defined_objects so that I can do: 如何定义函数get_defined_objects以便我可以:

{'CST': True, 'func', <function path.to.module.func>}

Right now the only solution I can imagine is to read the original module file, extract defined names with re.search(r'^(?:def|class )?(\\w+)(?:\\s*=)?' then import the module, and find the intersection with __dict__ . 现在我能想象的唯一解决方案是读取原始模块文件,用re.search(r'^(?:def|class )?(\\w+)(?:\\s*=)?'提取定义的名称导入模块,找到__dict__的交集。

Is there something cleaner ? 有什么东西更清洁吗?

Here is something for you to start with using ast . 这是你开始使用ast Note that this code does not cover all possible cases, although it should handle eg multiple assignment properly. 请注意,此代码并未涵盖所有可能的情况,尽管它应该正确处理多个分配。 Consider investigating ast 's data structures and API more closely if you would like to get access to compiled code, for example. 例如,如果您想访问已编译的代码,请考虑更密切地研究ast的数据结构和API。

import ast

with open('module.py') as f:
    data = f.read()
    tree = ast.parse(data)
    elements = [el for el in tree.body if type(el) in (ast.Assign, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)]

result = {}

for el in elements:
    if type(el) == ast.Assign:
        for t in el.targets:
            if type(el.value) == ast.Call:
                result[t.id] = el.value.func.id + '()'
                for attr in ['id', 'i', 's']:
                        result[t.id] = getattr(el.value, attr)
                    except Exception as e:
    elif type(el) == ast.FunctionDef:
        result[el.name] = '<function %s>' % el.name
        result[el.name] = '<class %s>' % el.name

print result
mod = "foo"
import ast, inspect
import importlib

mod = importlib.import_module(mod)
p = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(mod))

from collections import defaultdict

data = defaultdict(defaultdict)

for node in p.body:
    if isinstance(node, (ast.ImportFrom, ast.Import)):
    if isinstance(node, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef)):
        data["classes"][node.name] =  mod.__dict__[node.name]
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
        for trg in node.targets:
            if isinstance(node.value, ast.Num):
                data["assignments"][trg.id] = node.value.n
            elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
                data["assignments"][trg.id] = node.value.s
                data["assignments"][trg.id] = mod.__dict__[trg.id]

Output: 输出:

There is a nice explanation here that lists what the different types do and their attributes which this is based on: 有一个很好的解释这里列出哪些不同类型的做,这这是基于它们的属性:

class Nodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = defaultdict()
        super(Nodes, self).__init__()

    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
        self.data[node.name] = mod.__dict__[node.name]
        print("In FunctionDef  with funcion {}".format(node.name))

    def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
        self.data[node.name] = mod.__dict__[node.name]

    def visit_Assign(self, node):
        for trg in node.targets:
            if isinstance(node.value, (ast.Str, ast.Num, ast.Dict, ast.List, ast.ListComp, ast.NameConstant)):
                self.data[trg.id] = mod.__dict__[trg.id]

    def visit_Name(self, node):
        class Name(idctx)
        A variable name. id holds the name as a string
        and ctx is either class Load class Store class Del.
        print("In Name with {}\n".format(node.id))
    def visit_Dict(self, node):
        class Dict(keys, values)
        A dictionary. keys and values
        hold lists of nodes with matching order
        print("In Dict  keys = {}, values = {}\n".format(node.keys,node.values))

    def visit_Set(self,node):
        class Set(elts)
        A set. elts holds a list of
        nodes representing the elements.
        print("In Set  elts = {}\n".format(node.elts))

    def visit_List(self, node):
        class List(eltsctx)
        lts holds a list of nodes representing the elements.
        ctx is Store if the container
        is an assignment target
        (i.e. (x,y)=pt), and Load otherwise.
        print("In List  elts = {}\nctx = {}\n".format(node.elts,node.ctx))

    def visit_Tuple(self, node):
        class Tuple(eltsctx)
        lts holds a list of nodes representing the elements.
        ctx is Store if the container
        is an assignment target
        (i.e. (x,y)=pt), and Load otherwise.
        print("In Tuple  elts = {}\nctx = {}\n".format(node.elts,node.ctx))

    def visit_NameConstant(self, node):
        class NameConstant(value)
        True, False or None. "value" holds one of those constants.
        print("In NameConstant getting value {}\n".format(node.value))

    def visit_Load(self, node):
        print("In Load with node {}\n".format(node.func))

    def visit_Call(self, node):
        class Call(func, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs)
        A function call. func is the function,
        which will often be a Name or Attribute object. Of the arguments:
        args holds a list of the arguments passed by position.
        keywords holds a list of keyword objects representing arguments
        passed by keyword.starargs and kwargs each hold a single node,
        for arguments passed as *args and **kwargs.
        print("In Call with node {}\n".format(node.func))

    def visit_Num(self, node):
        print("In Num getting value {}\n".format(node.n))

    def visit_Str(self, node):
        print("In Str getting value {}\n".format(node.s))
f = Nodes()

A bytecode hack for Python 3.4+. Python 3.4+的字节码破解。 Possible due to dis.get_instructions . 由于dis.get_instructions可能。

import dis
import importlib
from itertools import islice
import marshal
import os

def consume_iterator(it, n=1):
    next(islice(it, n, n), None)

def get_defined_names(module_path):
    path, module_name = os.path.split(module_path)
    module_name = module_name[:-3]
    module_object = importlib.import_module(module_name)
    pyc_name = '{}.cpython-34.pyc'.format(module_name)
    pyc_path = os.path.join(path, '__pycache__/', pyc_name)

    with open(pyc_path, 'rb') as f:
        f.read(12)  # drop the first 12 bytes
        code = marshal.load(f)
        # dis.disassemble(code)  # see the byte code
        instructions = dis.get_instructions(code)
        objects = {}

        for instruction in instructions:
            if instruction.opname == 'STORE_NAME':
                objects[instruction.argval] = getattr(module_object,
            elif instruction.opname == 'IMPORT_NAME':
                consume_iterator(instructions, 2)
            elif instruction.opname == 'IMPORT_FROM':
                consume_iterator(instructions, 1)
        return objects


For a file like: 对于像这样的文件:

import os
from sys import argv, modules
from math import *
from itertools import product

CST = True

from itertools import permutations, combinations
from itertools import chain
E = 100
from itertools import starmap

def func(): pass

for x in range(10):

class C:
    a = 100

d = 1

The output will be: 输出将是:

{'d': 1, 'E': 100, 'CST': True, 'x': 9, 'func': <function func at 0x10efd0510>, 'C': <class 'so.C'>}

A much more better way as someone already mentioned in comments will be to parse the source code using ast module and find out the variable names from there. 如评论中已经提到的那样,更好的方法是使用ast模块解析源代码并从那里找出变量名。

While I accepted an answer, it can't hurt to post the solution I ended up using. 虽然我接受了答案,但发布我最终使用的解决方案并不会有什么坏处。 It's a mix between the other proposals : 这是其他提案之间的混合:

import ast
import inspect
import importlib

from types import ModuleType

def extract_definitions(module):
    """ Returns the name and value of objects defined at the top level of the given module.

        :param module: A module object or the name of the module to import.
        :return: A dict {'classes': {}, 'functions': {}, 'assignments': {}} containing defined objects in the module.

    if not isinstance(module, ModuleType):
        module = importlib.import_module(module)

    tree = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(module))

    definitions = {'classes': {}, 'functions': {}, 'assignments': {}}

    for node in tree.body:

        if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
            definitions["classes"][node.name] = getattr(module, node.name)
        elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
            definitions["functions"][node.name] = getattr(module, node.name)
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
            # for unpacking, you need to loop on all names
            for target in node.targets:
                definitions["assignments"][target.id] = getattr(module, target.id)

    return definitions

I added the ability to import from a string or a module object, then removed the parsing of values and replaced it by a simple getattr from the original module. 我添加了从字符串或模块对象导入的功能,然后删除了值的解析并将其替换为原始模块中的简单getattr。

Untested 未经测试

def unexported_names (module):
        return [name for name in module.__dict__ if name not in module.__all__]
    except AttributeError:
        return [name for name in module.__dict__ if name.startswith('_')]

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