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使用Active Directory模块时,Sitecore用户管理器非常慢

[英]Sitecore User Manager extremely slow when using Active Directory Module

Does anyone else have performance issues when using Sitecore Active Directory module? 使用Sitecore Active Directory模块时,是否还有其他人遇到性能问题? I configured it, we are using 26 different domains but that is not an issue, it just makes it even slower I guess, but when I open the user manager, it takes about 25 seconds to go to the next page in the usermanager. 我配置了它,我们正在使用26个不同的域,但这不是问题,我猜这只会使其变得更慢,但是当我打开用户管理器时,大约需要25秒才能转到用户管理器的下一页。 I have about 8000 users in total. 我总共有大约8000个用户。

On the other hand, when I go to the roles, I have about 12,000 roles coming from AD, and there is no performance issue whatsoever. 另一方面,当我转到这些角色时,我大约有12,000个来自AD的角色,并且没有任何性能问题。 I tried disabling the profiles from AD, but that didn't make a noticeable difference. 我尝试从AD禁用配置文件,但这并没有明显的区别。 When I comment out 25 of the 26 domains in the config (leaving me with about 1000 AD users), there is a noticeable improvement in performance. 当我注释掉配置中的26个域中的25个(使我拥有大约1000个AD用户)时,性能有了显着提高。

If I browse through the set, I can see that the cache created for the domain gets populated, but I don't see any performance improvement from that cache being filled. 如果浏览该集合,则可以看到为该域创建的缓存已填充,但是填充该缓存不会带来任何性能改进。 What is the cache used for? 缓存的用途是什么? Just for batch updates? 只是为了批量更新? What is the difference between the members, memberOf and User caches created? 创建的成员,memberOf和用户缓存之间有什么区别?

Thanks! 谢谢! Erwin 欧文

It has been a while, but going from memory this is what I recall: 已经有一段时间了,但是从记忆中回想起来是这样的:

The issue is that User Manager has to query AD for each page as you request it, whereas Role Manager gets all Roles and then pages through that cache. 问题是用户管理器必须根据您的请求为每个页面查询AD,而角色管理器则获取所有角色,然后通过该缓存获取页面。 This is a limitation of the underlying .NET provider. 这是基础.NET提供程序的限制。 The best advice I can give is to try to limit your query if possible. 我可以提供的最佳建议是,如果可能的话,尝试限制您的查询。

Consider using the "CustomFilter" capabilities of the AD module as described in the Chapter 4.1 "Custom Filter" of the Active Directory module Administrator's Guide document on SDN: http://sdn.sitecore.net/Products/AD/Documentation.aspx 请考虑使用SDN上Active Directory模块管理员指南文档的第4.1章“自定义过滤器”中所述的AD模块的“ CustomFilter”功能: http : //sdn.sitecore.net/Products/AD/Documentation.aspx

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